Our Own Vacation Story

I have created the beginning of this story, but you decided what happened next.

I'm on a plane, traveling to a place I've always wanted to visit. When I get off the plane, I see...

a vast ocean of sand streathing for miles around. I got to the hotel and asked them for my key. Once I had my key I headed up to my room witch was on the 5 floor! I had made it to my room. I opened the door...

all there was was a bed, and a bathroom. I couldn't belive it! Well I was sitting down on my bed I noticed that it was getting to be around dinner time. It was pretty funny being at a hotel in The Great Sahara desert. I wondered what the food would be like?

Well, to find out I had to go downnnnnnn to the 1 floor again. Luckly, well I was heading for the stairs, I spoted a eleavator! A eleacvator, here? Oh, well at least I didn't have to walk down the stairs! Later...

What a great dinner I thoght! "Excuse me, waiter what is this hot dog made out of?" I said. "Camals" he replied. All of a sudden I felt like I was going to be sick. I walked to the elevater, pressed button 5, and up went the eleavator. I had got back to my room and I plopped down on my bed. It was my vacation here, I had a week left here. A week with camel dogs? Didn't sound so good. Hmmm...maybe I could make my own dinner. But now it was time to sleep. Next Morming...the next thing I knew was I was waking up a week later! How could that have happened? Well I would never know because, my plane was boarding in 30 MINUTES! I grabbed my bag and ran out the door...

Back in America...
AHH...it's so nice to be home!

Caroline, 9

i got back home fast. i took off my shoes .just then my mom came in and said she made calmeldogs

Simon, 7

"Calmeldogs??" I said "Oh! god!!!" I said "Why?" mom asked me "Mom I don't want to eat it! arrrrkkkk!!!!" I shouted "Ok! ok! NO CALMELDOGS!, but why you scare 'cal meldogs'?" "help!I don't want to listen this word!!" 'Ring!ring!'The phone is ring.Mom put the phone and said hello."It's your phone" Mom said "HELLO!" I said "Hello this is 'Beachland hotel' Do you remember this word? You lost your pursh.There're many monny.But we don't pick your monny out.You will go here and get it back.Ok?" Hotel's boss said "Wha..wh..wha..tt..what..?" "You will go to Beachland hotel and get your pursh back!" "Ca..ca. ..nn..can..Can I..uh uh tell you...m..mm..my address..ss ???..??" I asked "No!" Boss said "Why?" "We will not go] anyway.We will still here!!You will get it back only!OH! we will send you a special calmeldogs dinner coupon for 2 peoples to you!!!" "No!!!!!" I said

Napangsiri, 11

A very fancy airport. I walk out and I am in a beautiful Chinese city. I climb the great wall and bring home tons of souverniers.

Elizabeth, 10

a bunch of trash laying around, and stunk because of all of the pulution. I hated the place so much all I did there was have a hamberger and then I left. Chicago was really puluted I thoght back when I was on the plane. After awhile I was home.

Caroline, 9

then i went back to the irport and went to hawaii and dance and went in the ocean. I went to many different island and then went back to my hotel.

Jessica, 14

I think that you should add how are they getting there and what they are going on.

Virginia, 15

i see a house and i was going to visit my grandma. I want to go to my favorite home and best town.

Sam, 5

a big lake with a hundred boats sailing across the water. I also see lots of people. I see eagles, hawks, crow soaring in the sky. I see a sandy beach, then I spot a giraffe drinking from a pond. I run to him and start petting his head. He looks at me with his big brown eyes and then licks my whole face.

Zachary, 7

Balck clouds and fallen trees and all of the sudden the wind picks up and blows all of my things away! I went reallt quick to hold on to a trees and in the nick if time I found some rope so I tied my self to the tree and then the driver of the plane started to take off to get out of the way of the storm , but unfortunaly he did not make it and the plane crashed in the lake that I was droped off on and the plane sunk untill it was at the bottom. Then a while later The wind calmed down and I was hungry and was brused from the hard wind and I had a cut. I went to sleep and when I woke up in the morning I need some food and water fast and I looked in all of the places where left over water was from the storm and I druk some then I need some food and some first aid Quick! So I found some berries and I made a fire then I thought of a good plan, The plane didn't crash far from shore so If I could make a raft I could Go uder water and inside the plane and there has to be!

a first aid kits so after 2 days I made a raft and wet out to where the plane had crashed. I swam and swam to the bottom at suddly I saw the first aid kit I was running out of air quick so I grabed it really quick and swam back to the raft I opened it and there was some bandages and some mathes (so I won't have to start the fire with rocks)And some equpitment to contact someone because they were not coming to get me for 3 weeks for my vacation and the pilot died so I nieed help so I contacted them and the coast guard arrived and brought me back to my mom and dad and they were very happy. I am never ever going to ride annother plane again!! The end

Sarah, 12

When I got off the plane I saw Mickey Mouse. I was in Disneyworld. I hugged him, got his autograph and got my picture taken with him. Then we went to the hotel and went to sleep. I couldn't wait till the next day.

Megan, 8

I had one week left I thought mabey I cloud go to gettysburg,and stay for two weeks because I had a rport due anyway, and mom said I would have a graet time...

Matthew, 11

I saw lots and lots of sand and palm trees. That's because I was in... Hawaii!

Diondra, 10

As I get of the airplane, i see a vast crowd of people stretching in front of me. How am I susposed find a my aunt in this kind of crowd? As I walk through the crowd looking for my aunt, I see my aunt with a sign hanging around here neck that has my name on it. I could face growing hot. "Hey, Auntie, it's me!!" She gave me a big hug. We got my luggage and headed to her car. We drove to her house in the country. While I was there we did lots of stuff. I was so exhasted after my visit I sleept through my whole flight back.

Kim, 12

I see a really big dinasour andI said hi!It was really happy so it kept on following me all the way home. We played together and I was never bored again.

Josephine, 10

then the dinasour got very scared. And tried to eat me but my daddy came running and rescue me from the mean dinasour. Then i made friends with a cat and we were friend for life.

The End

Cathy, 5

When I got of I say thousands of palm trees. I see the ocean. It is very hot. I never thought it would be so hot. My parents are wearing sweets and are not hot. My baby sister starts crying. I was thinking that this would be a long weekend!! And it was.

Sarah, 9

a beautiful tree. The tree is filled with golden apples. I pick one up and eat it. As soon as I take the first delicious bite a magical genie appears. He tells me that I have three wishes to make. I make my three wishes and tell no one. After five years I hold a contest to find the kindest person in the world. Most people are faking but I am a wizard now and I see through their lies. Finaly a small little girl dressed in rags approaches me with a very small gift. I open it up. It is a bruised apple. The girl says, "I have brought you the best apple my family and I have." I ook into this girls precios little eyes and see her sadness. She is very kind. i ask her to follow be to the magical apple tree. When she sees the golden apple she says, "May I pick a few apples and give them to a family I know. They have a very hard time getting through life." How could this little girl think about another family's welth besides her own. I hand her an apple and tell her to take a bite. As ! she takes a bite the genie appears as it did years ago. She makes her three wishes. Her wishes are for world peace, all homeless people to find homes and get jobs, and for her mom and dad to become happy and find a nice home. The girl is now known world wide in many fairy tales.

The End

Kristine, 12

When i got off of the plane, I saw a dragon. I was scared so I pulled a sword from my belt and prepared to fight. I was afraid that he would sneeze at any minute and shoot fire from his nose. Then I noticed that he took a long drink of water from a fire truck hose. He must have been very thirsty because he drank a whole lot of water. He looked at me and smiled a big dragon smile, that is when I knew that he was a nice dragon. Then he took another drink of water.......

Jacob, 6
My plane crashed when it was halfway through my flight and we just happened to land on a deserted island.I was the only survivor.

Jessica, 11

The End

Fun for Kids

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