CBS Inc.
51 West 52 Street
New York, New York 10019
(212) 975-4321

September 13, 1996

Dear Mr. Champagne:

On behalf of Mr. Cronkite, I thank you for your profound and thought provoking letter. He is currently traveling and will receive your letter upon his return. Since his schedule is currently over committed, I am taking the initiative to respond to you on his behalf.

In my opinion, you are absolutely right and all too often, we humans think we are all important in the grand scheme of life. Our day to day perceptions of our manmade reality often cloud the search for the true meaning of life and respect for life itself, in all forms.

I have no excuse to offer you. I can only say that Mr. Cronkite is a supporter of the World Wildlife Fund and other Rainforest and environmental organizations that do benefit animals. Unfortunately, he cannot become publicly involved in each and every cause, as he is contractually restricted from doing PSAs.

I thank you very much for writing and wish the best to you and yours.


Tara Mattson

Assistant to Walter Cronkite


Mr. John Champagne
6150 Border Trail
San Antonio, TX 78240

Thank-you for the thoughtful and very prompt reply. I will only say, I am not looking for excuses, (or PSAs, necessarily). I do hope to see responsible and responsive action. Cronkite has spoken of the importance of responsible and responsive government, (The Challenges of Change -- Public Affairs Press). I assume he believes that individuals also ought to behave in a responsible and responsive way. What response can we offer upon learning that our traditional eating style not only wastes natural resources and gives us disease, but also violates the major interests of non-human animals to promote our own minor interests? Can we call ourselves responsible moral beings when we blatantly disregard the interests of others?

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