Welcome to . . .

Welcome to my #Friendly page! The purpose of this page is to inform new users, and to serve as a tribute to the #Friendly "regulars." I tried to include all of the relevant information about #Friendly and its people. My hope is that you will find this page enjoyable, and you never know, you might learn something! ;) #Friendly is an IRC channel on the Undernet, where people can come and hang out and have a good time. This page contains links to some #Friendly people's homepages, documents and information about some of the "regulars." So if I have left anyone out, please know that no ill feelings are meant, and tell me about it! :) Oh, by the way my nick on #Friendly is Stever, if you didn't know... :) See you on #Friendly!!!

Note: The following documents are only meant for information and are subject to change at any time. Any injury resulting from the use of these documents is purely the fault of the injured. In other words, don't sue me! :)

Since the February issue of the #Friendly Times, Hiko has been converting them to HTML. They are very well done. Check them out!

View the recent one year anniversary issue, November '96, of The Friendly Times Newsletter [New]

Back issues of The Friendly Times

Various #Friendly docs:

Sources of IRC information and places to seek help are listed in the Sources.Info document.

Learn about the history and general philosophy of the #Friendly channel in the #Friendly papers.

Frequently asked questions about the Undernet's #Friendly - #Friendly FAQ

Find out what the #Friendly Op Committee is for and how it is set up in the #Friendly Op evaluation Committee Guidelines.

All of the information #Friendly ops should know is contained in the #Friendly Channel Operator FAQ document.

In Alphabetical order:

ABBA(je) AliB Allison angel111 Babybunny BadPlaid Bee Beezenbob Blaze B-tribe Cancerian (aka Dorothy ;)) Candice Canuck Catch22 Child Chiltzs (aka phusion) Choco Coeur Corona Cybernet CynicCat Dash Debbs deznuts Duo Elaine ENDLESSLY Epic Faith Foxy Fur Fury Gilmour Goodkarma(aka gkarma) Grumpy Hellspawn Hiko Hutch ifek Indians jds Jest Jimbo Jiro Joanna Kapok Kewlwhip Kytty Ladybelle Laugh LP Mach3 Mar21 manna MarleY Masseur Megbabe Mel (the 'real' Mel) Mere: In Memoriam (1972 - 1995) misha MooseMan Mopsey Muttley Myrth Nanook Narf Ncognito Nikkie Pattie Peit Posty Richard(aka DrWatson) Riff Samp Sardaukar (aka Iron) Satiate SHI SHOCK shrubby Skizzer _sky_ SlosHeD Slowhand Snahmy Soozie Sourpus SunSupMan Super Surly SusieH Suus(je) tatman Teal Tharia Tickler Tiger Tinkrbel Tweets Twinkie Twister Wetworks Woodchuck(???) X-Centric Yakko Zhivago
If you have a homepage and I am not aware, or you want your picture up, or you think I left you out, or you want to comment about this page... E-mail me! I will try to answer you promptly. :)

Other #Friendly pages you might Enjoy:

Nikkie's Friendly Page

The Official Undernet #Friendly Page

Official #Friendly page Mirror Site

Note: the mirror site is updated less frequently than the "real" site, so you may want to try the real site first.

Sources.info | #Friendly Papers | #Friendly FAQ | #Friendly OpCom
#Friendly Op FAQ | Homepage

Copyright © 1996, Steve Solorio


All rights reserved.
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