Welcome to the Russian Feminism Resources Guestbook, started on March 12, 1998.
This archive page has entries from 2000. Please sign the guestbook.
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JERRI USENI - 12/15/00 11:19:15
My Email:jerriuseni@hotmil.com
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: english,russian
The Russian woman you most admire:: black russian woman

Anne - 11/21/00 15:34:16
My Email:jhdconst@bellsouth.net
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: English
Favorite encoding: KOI-8, Win-1251, Mac, other?: Huh?
The Russian woman you most admire:: Don't know any at present
Thank you for this site, I am a serious student of Russian history

Brandon (f) - 11/18/00 21:02:56
My URL:http://none
My Email:brendon_tina@mail.ru
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: both. Learned well
Favorite encoding: KOI-8, Win-1251, Mac, other?: win...
The Russian woman you most admire:: My beloved woman.
Geez, just that sign, just that cool website which was needable to all women, ever walked behind net, nevermind are they lesbians or not!!! Geez!!! Admired, really. Big thanks for the resources, these are not the usual words!!! I'm in love!!! (that was a elease note...)

Maria Tiounova - 11/13/00 15:41:21
My Email:tiounova@dartmouth.edu
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: both
Favorite encoding: KOI-8, Win-1251, Mac, other?: Win
The Russian woman you most admire:: my grandmother
Thank you very much for references and resourses.I'm writing a paper on Women in Democracy at Dartmouth College,NH. Your web-site is really helpful.

Margarita Meklina - 10/27/00 18:38:26
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/meklina
My Email:meklina@operamail.com
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: both
Favorite encoding: KOI-8, Win-1251, Mac, other?: n/a
The Russian woman you most admire:: Natalia Meklin, a Soviet air-pilot, night bomber during WW2
Hi! I got to your webpage following the link from Vitaly Chernetsky's Home Page. I just wanted to give you an address of my website with my prose in Russian. Thanks. http://www.oocities.org/meklina

Inga Saule - 10/15/00 15:59:34
My URL:http://www.ltn.lv/~saule/rus
My Email:saule@latnet.lv
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: Both. French and German too.
Favorite encoding: KOI-8, Win-1251, Mac, other?: koi8-r
The Russian woman you most admire:: Myself, but I am Latvian :)
Prekrasnaja stranica, pobolse bi takih... Predlagaju posetit svoju stranicu, posvascennuju probleme peremeni pola s muzskogo na zenskij. Adres: http://www.ltn.lv/~saule/rus username: labs password: cilveks

Odinn Thor - 10/07/00 09:58:10
My URL:http://www.islandia.is/odinn
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: English
You are WELCOME to visit my webpage.

Angel Goddess - 09/27/00 03:09:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/angelgoddessmeditate
My Email:angelgoddess@canada.com
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: English
Favorite encoding: KOI-8, Win-1251, Mac, other?: PC
The Russian woman you most admire:: Mrs. Gorbachev
We've come a long way, congratulations!

Britta Schmitt - 07/17/00 19:48:35
My Email:SchmittBritta@aol.com
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: both
The Russian woman you most admire:: Marina Zwetaeva
In 1996 I finished my dissertation about the politics of the Soviet Union towards woman, the beginning civil society in Russia after 1989 and the contemporary womens movement in Russia. Now I work in the area of European contacts between protestant church s, which is a totally different subject. But in some cases I maybe could help to support social projects of women in Russia. Therefore I would be interested in getting information regularely via mailing list. Is this possible? I am a German sociologist.

minshy - 07/07/00 12:56:55
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: english
Favorite encoding: KOI-8, Win-1251, Mac, other?: mac
The Russian woman you most admire:: anna kurnicova

Roula Scoutari - 06/20/00 10:09:07
My Email:scoutari@otenet.gr
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: English
I am a member of "Network for combating male violence against Women" and we are interested in cooperation with organisations and groups. Yours, Roula Scoutari

Patrick Kelly - 06/07/00 17:27:46
My URL:http://www.respire.net
My Email:respirenet@yahoo.com
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: English
The Russian woman you most admire:: Catherine the Great
www.respire.net is in Russian, English, and 5 other languages. It explains a gentle, traditional exercise that relaxes our breathing muscle (diaphragm) with wonderful results. A great addition to women's health resources. All women can try it at home.

ajak - 05/29/00 13:24:40
My URL:http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~brat/cyberfemin.html
My Email:brat@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: both
Favorite encoding: KOI-8, Win-1251, Mac, other?: KOI-8, Mac
The Russian woman you most admire:: rabotnica
hi, your site helps us a lot for our research on "cyberfeminist strategies in russia"!! we're very interested in discussions and information on feminist usage of the internet in russia/fsu. have a look at our site... keep on creating feminist spaces!!

lila ledovsky - 05/05/00 06:26:21
My Email:isisfeet@aol.com
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: english
The Russian woman you most admire:: i don't know much about famous russian women so i'll say my grandmother...she was beautiful...
i'm writing a research paper on women in russia for my women & society class. this website had tons of great information on women's lives in russia today. most of what i found in the library was outdated, but your website helped me out a lot with the mo ern stuff. thanks and good luck, my heart is with you ~lila

Silvia - 04/28/00 14:35:29
My URL:http://go.to/Vampirin
My Email:Vampirin2@fortunecity.de
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: english
Großes Kompliment, tolle Seiten.

Elizabeth English - 04/25/00 19:58:23
My URL:http://www.moondancefilmfestival.com
My Email:moondanceff@aol.com
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: English only
Favorite encoding: KOI-8, Win-1251, Mac, other?: Mac rules!
The Russian woman you most admire:: women writers & film-makers & animators
Please check out: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ MOONDANCE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Writers! Screenwriters! Playwrights! Film-makers! Producers! Agents & Managers! Directors! CALL FOR ENTRIES! The Moondance International Film Festival is by and for women. Our objective is to promote and encourage women screenwriters, playwrights, short-story writers and women who make independent films, and the best work by women, in any genre of feature films, animation, documentaries, short films, stage plays & short stories. Moondance provides a forum in which those women can have the opportunity for their work to be viewed and accepted by the powers that be, within the international film community. Moondance encourages and promotes non-violence, as a solution to conflicts, in the arts & film. ------------------------------------ MOONDANCE FILM FESTIVAL WILL HONOR SCANDINAVIAN WOMEN IN FILM AT THE 2001 FESTIVAL, WITH A SPECIAL FOCUS ON THEIR WORK. FILMS BY WOMEN FROM NORWAY, DENMARK, SWEDEN, FINLAND, ICELAND & GREENLAND WILL BE FEATURED! ----------------------------------- Send in your entries now! Entry fees are discounted for early entries! Entries accepted from April 1, 2000 through October 1, 2000 (postmark) Categories: SCREENPLAYS FEATURE FILMS DOCUMENTARY FILMS ANIMATION SHORT FILMS STAGEPLAYS SHORT STORIES -------------------------------------- Competition Eligibility: Women film-makers and women screenwriters, playwrights and short-story writers only. International entries are greatly welcomed. --------------------------------------- Questions? Want more info? Need the entry forms? Go to: http://www.moondancefilmfestival.com E-mail Contact: moondanceff@aol.com For printable entry forms, go to: http://www.moondancefilmfestival.com -------------------------------------- Check out the Updates link on the homepage, for letters from Moondance 2000 entrants, attendees & participants! View the photos link from Moondance 2000! Send the URL to friends & colleagues! http://www.moondancefilmfestival.com -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Stefan Nyland - 04/24/00 07:48:56
My Email:snyland@porthill.com
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: English
The Russian woman you most admire:: Interested
Thankfully there is a site that gives real information, not rubbish. Thinking Englishmen are not always interested in the continually explioted side that is portayed in much of the web where women in Russian are mentioned.

Jodi - 04/14/00 02:59:40
My Email:jodi_scsu@yahoo.com
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: English, some Russian
Thank you for creating this wonderful website. I am an International Relations major with Russian and Soviet Studies minors. This site is a great resouce. In sisterhood, Jodi

Lisa Tollefson - 04/02/00 16:36:48
My Email:lisat@delanet.com
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: English, some Russian
I'm a Russian major at West Chester University, PA, USA. I found this site while researching wmen in Russia for a paper. It's been very valuable. Thanks for weeding out all the junk! There were a couple links that didn't work: Childbirth in Russia, Abortion and Contraception, and Contraceptive Use Increases in Russia. All were, I think, uder the Health heading.

Justine Hamilton - 03/16/00 19:29:52
My URL:http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~justine
My Email:justine@ksu.edu
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: both
Favorite encoding: KOI-8, Win-1251, Mac, other?: Win-1251
The Russian woman you most admire:: my Russian mother
This site is an extremely valuable resourse to all women. Thank you.

Pascalle Sweerts - 03/08/00 21:55:35
My URL:http://www.thehalcyon.org/
My Email:thehalcyon@thehalcyon.org
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: English
Your website is very interesting. Please have a look at our site, you may find it very useful. Best regards,

Alison - 03/03/00 10:37:03
My Email:asweeney@sun.iwu.edu
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: both
The Russian woman you most admire:: anna akhmatova
Great site--the first one I found without flesh-hunter's ads. I'm in Slovakia trying to write a term paper on the differential effects of religion in Russia vs. the Catholic states of the former USSR (Slovakia, Poland, etc.)--if any one knows where I can find data regarding women's attitudes toward religion in RUssia, I would love to know. Thanks.

ingrid thomassen - 02/06/00 09:42:25
My URL:http://non yet
My Email:i.m.c.thomassen@planet.nl
Do you read English, Russian, or both?: English and a little Russianboth
The Russian woman you most admire:: vsjo
I am a Dutch women,36 jears old. Have 2 small children. In my spare time I like to study the russian language. I am very glad that I found this site becouse I am very interested in the russian culture. Some times I come over to Russia and it would be nice to know and speak people there.

katrin - 01/24/00 23:00:47
My Email:katrindahlberg@hotmail.com
Privyet! I'm a 24 years old Gender Studies and history student, coming to Moscow 6/3-31/3 2000. Are there any feminists in Moscow that maybe would like to meet me for a beer or so?? I speak basic Russian, but it would be good if you spoke English or German (I'm from Finland, but I'm living in Berlin since 4 years.) Please mail me!

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