The Team Leader's Toolkit -- Glossary

Teams Need A Common Language - A Leader Must Define The Terms

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Glossary of Team Leadership Terms...

Copyright Lark Ritchie 1995. 1996.
Press Reload For Updated List... This list changes and continues to grow as I have time to list (Arranged in Alphabetic Order) terminology I have come to find valuable.

Click here if you need an online dictionary (Webster's) for words and terms not listed here...

Teams are effective when each member knows what to do, and when to do... Teams become effective when they communicate in a language that is common to all members (and ideally all others they deal with.) Here are terms and definitions that I have found helpful as a team facilitator. Please feel free to e-mail your comments to me. Refinement comes through discussion...

A Beneficial Controlling Effort
A behaviour exhibited by a Team Member for one of several good reasons, intended be constructive, such as a Member, Leader, Timekeeper, or Facilitator calling attention to drifting off-topic, or exceeding time...

A Negative Controlling Effort
A behaviour exhibited by a member who may be feeling a strong personal involvement in the debate, problem, or problem solving process. He or she may inadvertently be attempting to convince the group, or force a solution. Member should attempt to stand back from the debate and re-focus. Sometimes exhibited because the team has caused the member to "Feel Un-Loved". The Team Is Responsible To Identify Negative Controlling Efforts, and discover why a member is making this effort.

Blowing Off Steam
A behaviour exhibited by an individual or a group of individuals who have lived with a continuing problem. Symptoms include a feeling of having no control ('they' are causing my problem) generalized and non-specific complaints, heavy emphasis on a small number of incidents, many 'should' statements without a specific set of steps to resolve the issue at hand (e.g. 'there should be a law!'). Sometimes the group may need to 'Blow Off Steam' before getting down to working on a problem. Leaders and Facilitators need to be aware that although some time should be spent in this venting, serious work comes out of studying the problem objectively. Group members need to be aware that it is the job of the Leader t bring the session back into focus.

a signal or direction to a group member to initiate a specific action. For example, raising the hand during a group discussion, so that the Leader is 'cued' to ask for your comment after the current speaker finiishes, or giving a 'Timeout' signal during an exciting multi member debate.

Discovery, Process
The activities during which, a problem process is analyzed, step by step, and supported by facts. The resulting knowledge forms the basis for an evaluation of the process effectiveness or ineffectiveness, and is the basis for searches for solutions.

Feeling Un-Loved
A member who has become withdrawn or defensive. Recognize that this is a reaction on the part of the withdrawn member to some event that is happening within the group. The leader and group is responsible for reversing that withdrawal.

In The Weeds
Being non-productive. From imagery; the team (boat) is caught in a weed patch with oars flailing, but little progress is being made.

Process Check/Sanity Check
A quick assessment by team members to determine their comfort level with some aspect or progess the team is involved in.

'Timeout' Signal
Placing one hand to the other, forming a capital 'T', to signify that the members bring the session back to order.

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