Mommy says

Mommy Says...

Where you can feel at home

My baby brother, gone but never forgotten.

I lost my little brother to an industrial accident that should never have happened. I will never be an Aunt never have a sister-in-law, my children will never have cousins, but I will remember him and the people who need to take responsibility. If you'd like to hear more please click on the corporate names to see the letters my father and I have sent to each of them.

First the company he worked for, Iron Mountain Document Services, this is an international document storage and destruction service, there are two conflicting items from them on the police report, but basically they had faulty electrical equipment that had not been inspected in over a year. Then they harassed his roommate calling him after 10 the day he died for personal information on my brother, the days of the viewing and funeral they showed up at my mother's home unannounced.

I found the OSHA report on-line, this is reliable ONLY because the case is closed

Second the emergency room doctor at Sewickley Valley Hospital, which is owned by Heritage Valley, my father ended up assaulting him, once you read what happened you'll understand why.

Above I mentioned what I lost, my baby brother, the third of his graduating class to die, but what did I gain, the ability to bawl like a baby at work, the discovery of who my true friends are and thus the loss of others (the ones who understand why all the rules have changed), and unfortunately I gained a daughter who used to be a loving, happy child who is now moody, and sad and can barely get through a single day without crying for her UNCA and the embarrased looks from those around us when she starts to cry in public, thank you so much for these gifts.


--- Probably inaccurately attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty,
to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.

by using these formulae, Eric was successful, he kept all of his promises to my children and has MANY, MANY friends who truly miss him.

The following links are news items from across the country dealing with the death of my brother, Eric:

from Philadelphia
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
there are a number of other links to the accident but they are no longer going to information on him


If you are looking for my "old" page it is here .
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This page created and maintained by kATARINA'S kURSER

last updated January 5, 2003