Geography Links Geography links for students and teachers.

Geography Education Presented by National Geographic, geography information and lessons..

Geography World Links to many other geography web sites, many different categories to search.

Information Please On-line almanac, dictionary and encyclopedia.

Outline Maps Print ouline maps for any region in the world.

The Amazing Picture Machine Search engine for locating pictures.

Geography Home Page One stop for geography information, if you want to find geography information this is the place.

Revealing Things - a look at people, possessions, and culture at the Smithsonian's first exhibit created specifically for the Internet.

6 billion Human Beings - a fascinating look at the world's population, courtesy of the Musee de l'Homme in Paris, France.

Dangerous Places - ABC News takes you where you otherwise probably won't be going any time soon.

China's Free Markets - a photographic tour of China's bustling street markets. Looking for some fresh veggies?

Stories of the Dreaming "The Dreaming" is an essential element in indigenous Australia's cultural and spiritual heritage, a world of animal ancestors in the "time before time." This collection of "Stories of the Dreaming," chosen and narrated by Aboriginal storyteller/custodians, is presented in text, audio, and video formats. The video versions are beautiful: living storybooks that use voice and animation to tell "How the water got to the plains," "Why the crocodile rolls," and other tales of creation.

Universal History Translation Project Since the Annals of Improbable Research first published the "History of the Universe in 200 Words or Less" in 1997, it's been translated into more than 30 languages including Klingon and Pig Latin. We were most comfortable with the original English, although the Elmer Fudd and the "English to French to English to German to English to Italian to English to Portuguese to English " versions have a poetry all their own. If youenjoy reading keywords, this is the history for you. - official web site of the Government of India's Ministry of Tourism

Mexico for Kids - games and stories as well as history, government,and cultural information.

The Elephants of Cameroon This indepth educational site will allow visitors to "join the North Carolina Zoo and a team of researchers on an interactive project to track and study elephants in northern Cameroon." Read about the ambitious project to save the local elephants, get updates from Dr. Mike's diary, or participate in the growing community of message boards. There's also a terrific collection of lessons for teachers and students, or anyone interested in the subject. What do juggling chefs, cowboy poets, sandhill cranes, and Janis Joplin have in common? They're all part of the festivities at, a searchable collection of events and parties around the world. Don't miss I'M B1FF, the International MPEG Bizarre 1st Film Festival. As for us, we'll be making the scene at San Antonio's annual River Walk Mud Parade and Coronation.

South Africa Information Resource A comprehensive resource for political, physical, economic and human geography for South Africa.
