Huenenberger's Fantasia Pages: Equipment of Rider

Fantasia and Barb Horse


The Equestrian Tradition of Northern Africa

The Equipment of the Fantasia Rider

Picture of Fantasia Rider from Marrakech/Morocco
Moroccan Fantasia Rider

The Fantasia riders wear the traditional North African clothing, which slightly differs in the different regions of Maghreb.

In any case, there is a "raza" (a piece of cloth wrapped around the head), a "serwal" ( wide trousers), in most cases a "tchamir", a "farajia" (wide and long shirts), a "jellaba" (a coat with a hood), a cape with a hood, and the "balra" (traditional shoes) or boots.

As the Fantasia is called "barooda" (game of (gun-)powder), the most important piece of equipment is, of course, the gun. In many cases, a front-loaded black-powder rifle is used, but modern hunting or combat rifles can be found, too.

Additionally, the riders wear a small bag (containing a Holy Coran or other religious texts), and a scabbard (see picture below). Both items are hung on cords over the shoulders, the cords crossing in front of the chest and on the back of the rider.

Sometimes, you can see a sword or saber, which is hung over the shoulder on a cord, too. Often it is worn on the back, with the handle pointing down (see picture above).

Picture of Moroccan Scabbard from Author's Collection
Scabbard of Fantasia Rider

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