Six Poems: at the Beginning of Each Chapter of
Philip Zhai's Second Philosophy Book

For Chapter 1:                

                  There is another world
                            wherein this world
                                    is another world

                  There is another dream
                            wherein this dream
                                    is another dream

                  There is not another me
                            wherein this me
                                    is another me

                                   "Me and World," Z. Zhai, 1997 

For Chapter 2:

           Having caressed the world
                    with a burning stroke
             Leave it with no despair 
                      but a growing hope
               Allow her now to wear 
                        the darkening wardrobe
                 She will climb 
                          the invisible up-running slope 

                                          "Sunset," Z. Zhai, 1997

For Chapter 3:

          Mating here are Yin and Yang
          Flirting here are the momentary and the eternity
          Negotiating here are the high and the low
          Wrestling here are the full and the empty
          The nothingness is kissing the plentitude 
          The limited plural is wooing the infinite singularity 

                                         "Horizon," Z. Zhai, 1992

For Chapter 4:

                    At across around,
                    Into through up'n'down;
                    Behind below between,
                    Under onto within.

                    After among about,
                    Over upon or out;
                    Before beneath beyond,
                    Outside against alone.

                    Aback above abask,
                    Aslant asquint astrike;
                    Again afresh anew,
                    Astern aslope askew.

                             "At Beneath Askew," by Z. Zhai, 1987

For Chapter 5:

     In a world of 
          the colorful
               She settles behind the veil
                    Confronting the dazzling sunlight
                         She annihilates whatever
                              is fundamentally real

     Celebrating the sublime of 
          the home-coming  
               She shrinks to the nil
                    Merging herself deep
                         into the dark           
                              She embraces them all    

                                        "Shadow," Z. Zhai, 1993  

For Chapter 6:

                  Steer your passion out of the little nest
                  Inhale the whole space into your chest
                  Stage your final ontological protest
                  Let the eternal light unfold all the rest  

                                     "New Genesis," Z. Zhai, 1997
