Masonic Institutions in the REGIO area Basle-Mulhouse-Freiburg i.Br.

Freimaurer-Organisationen im REGIO-Dreieck Basel - Mulhouse - Freiburg i.Br.

Die Internet/WWW-Homepage der Freimaurer im REGIO-Dreieck
(Schweiz, Frankreich und Deutschland)


1. What is Free Masonry?

Free Masonry represents a world wide movement of men or women usually organized nationally in Grand Lodges.

1.1 Nature of Free Masonry

Free Masons societies can be defined as

1.2 Objectives

The main objectives pursued by the masonic organisations can be defined as follows:

1.3 prerequisites

To join a Free Masons organization the candidate should have - or at least be willing to acquire - the following properties:

2. What Free Masonry is certainly not!

2.1 In a Mason's mind, Free Masonry is neither a religion nor a substitute for a creed. In the thinking of Masons there is no room for any dogma. Every honest person can join a Mason's organization provided he/she respects masonic rules of tolerance and mutual respects.

2.2 Masonic institutions are not secret societies. Objectives, articles of association, board etc. are known or can be easily obtained. Masonic institutions must be considered as being closed and discreet socities.

3. Common objectives but separate ways

Masonic associations were traditionally open for men only.The first feminine Grand Lodge was founded in France 1945. Feminine lodges are open only to women and masculine lodges only to men.

4. How can I get more information about Masonic Lodges working in the REGIO area?

Lodges for men only: Walter Stohler, CH 061-421 83 77 (

Dr. S. Angelini, CH 061-641 41 60 (

Lodges for women only: Edeltraud Schmitz, CH 079-320 41 77 or (

Links to other sites on the Web

Vereinigung der sechs Basler Logen

Loge Zur Brudertreue Aarau

Schweiz. Grossloge Alpina

© 1995 Walter Stohler

Victor Bernhard, CH-4410 Liestal, Tel/Fax 061 - 922 17 40Webmaster: Victor Bernhard

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