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WolFive BBS

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Welcome to the WolFive BBS's Page, the Home Site of NoNet, amateur network devoted to the world of Arteand Cultura, and particularly to the book and everything(publishers, libraries, etc.) which gravitate around it.

The "Lupo" (in the world Armando Carta), SysOp on WolFiveBBS, has open his Bulletin Board, strictly and absolutely free, with twotargets in his mind:
1) To take advantage from telematic resources to recover one's love forreading and for book, trying to invert actual trend that's seeingmasterpieces of literature copyed on CD-ROMs, and ...
2) To promote communicativeness among people, often very far, which withouttelematica probably never could known between.

In times past WolFive BBS was "Node" on MultiNet, InterMail, EroNet,EuroNet, ExNet and PeaceLink too, and on any of these networks he has everattented to cultural "areas" dedicated to the book.

At present WolFive BBS is included on nearly 30 search engines, andthere are Mirrors to this Page on about ten other Web sites.This isn't, obviously, a question of megalomania ;^) ... as to direct hoe manyusers as possible towards this Page devoted to book.

WolFive, as well as HeadQuarter International Coordinator of NoNet (55:0/0) is too ...

What is it FidoNet?

FidoNet is an amateur and indipendent world wide network the goal of which is to guarantee toeverybody, at the cheapest possible way, an access to the electronic communication.
Since the Internet came up, unfortunately the aknowledge of the existence of the BBS and of FidoNethas been put under shade by the obsessive commercials on the big net which offers so manyinformations but requiring so many resources on money and on technical aknowledgement.

Are you sick with NewsGroups confusion? So you want just chat or talk about technical subjects?Do you have a modem but you do not know how to use it?

You can nonnect to the site to approach to FidoNet from Internet, or to anyone of the BBS in the world using just a simpleterminal program.

You can connet using any computer you want ... Macintosh, PC (from 8088 to Pentium II), Amiga's sufficient a somewhat modem and a terminal program to start.
Once you've written all subscribing data, which the scope is to verify the real identity of theuser and then to allow him to access, never you will be asked for one penny and you will be able to join specific conference areas in Italy and in the world!
As you are connected ask to the SysOp for informations about all powerful services offered by aBBS and about what exactly you can to within it.

The more the conncted people the more the enjoyment on a local level, a national level or even aworldwide level ... finally, becoming expert, to exchange just messages will be enough only one phone tax on short distance to download the mail which will be then comfortably read and writtenoffline saving phone bill money.

A trial doesn't cost so much ... FidoNet is a enjoiable, interesting and mostly cheap thing.

The "Lupo", grim rascal who's wandering with a growl around in themaze of WolFive, is a librarian seriously affected from numerous other passions ... go to next Page if you want to know him better.


Do you want to fill up my Questionnaire Questionnaire about book ?

WolFive BBS c/o Armando Carta
Via Non Ti Riguarda, 0
90100 Palermo - ITALY
Tel. +39-091-RESERVED DSL

E-Mail: E-Mail

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Updated October 20, 2005 by WolFive (No © ... feel free to use!)

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