More About MHARZY

THIS page has some general information about MHARZY:

Can I Get Involved?
How Can I Give Feedback On This Page?
|» Letters To The Editor

The answer to this question is not an easy one.
One answer would be that MHARZY is an acronym for Members of Har Zion Youth and is the youth group of Temple Har Zion. It is also a member TYG (Temple Youth Group) of NFTY's North East Lakes Region, and NFTY (The North American Federation of Temple Youth) is the movement for Reform Jewish teens everywhere.
Another would be to say that MHARZY is an ab

Can I Get Involved?
Yes! MHARZY membership is open to Jewish teens attending high school. If you'd like to join us just RSVP to one of the programs in the Monthly Calendar and you'll get the whole deal on joining.
Note: Homicidal maniacs need not apply.)

How Can I Give Feedback On This Page?
If you have an opinion on this site, whatever it may be, or want to give something to put on this page, or see an error on the site, just tell me (Jon) by
e-mail or talk to me.

Letters To The Editor
Dear Editor,

I am really worried. I recently joined a youth group at my synagogue called MHARZY. I am extremely worried about the people there. They are constantly smiling! They are always nice to everyone. They include everyone in all of their programs and services. I am beginning to get a little scared. No one I've ever met is this friendly to people they just meet. Not only this, but they also talk about this bigger version of MHARZY which is like MHARZY only bigger and with more people just as friendly as the people in MHARZY. I don't understand! Are these people NORMAL? Please help
- Wanting To Know

Dear Wanting,
- The Editor

Dear Stefano,

I'm in love with my younger brother's best friend. There's an age difference of 5 years! The thing is, he likes me back! It this illegal? Could I get arrested for child molestation? I am so confused. If we did start up a relationship, what am I supposed to tell my brother? I really want to but I'm afraid of what people will say, I mean, I'm in high school and he's not. What will my friends say? What will my parents say? What will my dog say? What will my grandma say? What will my grandma's cousin from Alaska say? What will my uncle's ex-wife's sister-in-law's ex-husband's mother's grandfather's dead great aunt say? I NEED YOUR HELP!!!
- In Love With A Minor

Dear In Love,
Unless the legalize relationships with someone with a 5 year age difference, I suggest you go visit with your grandma's cousin in Alaska. Permanently.
- Stefano

MHARZY online is designed by Jonathan Lear.
Questions, comments and suggestions are welcome.
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