Here I am once again. Feeling alone, tired, and sad. I sit here writing
because of the things that are trapped inside. The things I feel, know,
and see. Of all the emotions I can go through in one day, love is the
It can make the darkest hour in your life seem bright. It can make you,
and destroy you all in a moment of time. Sometimes what I can feel can not be described. And the funny thing is, it is not always the love for
someone. It can be for anything. Oh but to open up to another person.
To let them in to see the real you. To let them know what you think
and feel. Nothing is better than that. A feeling I have not had in a long
time. Every day not being able to share seems like forever. Ah the
wanting to be romantic. Just to get a kiss and feel the love in it.
Feeling the touch of someone that cares. No other feeling can
Some may say that I am soft and a hopeless romantic. But I do not care. For if that is what it takes to have these feelings, then I do not mind. But it has been so long. Too long. I am starting to feel lost. The pain of love not given in me, can be a long nightmare which seems to have no end. It is like being in hell, No it is hell. I have so much to give. But most days the incredible crushing grip of depression grabs me. It is like being smothered. These are the days it hurts the worst of all. The days I need the understanding and the love. Every time I am like that, I want to die. I feel I must die. For I feel like I am a man in a world, A world of people with blank faces. I am the John Doe of society. No one knows me, who I am, and what I feel. I have been taken advantage of and left for dead. I know I am not the only one. Others feel the same. For in some manners I am never alone. But I am. Alone and cold. As the fire dies in me I wonder if I can or will live again. If I can be seen, the real me, I will. I always hope that one of the blank stares that passes me on the street will see and believe in love again. For it is in me. Here I sit, and all I can do is



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Photography: Sam Laundon