Inclusion and Inclusion Practices

Inclusive education offers something for all.  Kids with disabilities are able to be with their peers, friendships can develop that carry over to the neighborhood.  In some cases, for those with severe disabilities, the inclusion practice is much harder.  Perhaps with a child who has more challenges, the best initial inclusive setting may involve just a lunch time activity.  Segregating our children with disabilities has taken them out of the mainstream and actually made people stare at them more.  They aren't kids  who are seen playing everyday in the yards with classmates.  Often classmates are miles away, in another city.  The only socialization that can take place is over the phone or if someone can drive you over to visit. By keeping our kids in their neighborhood school, including them into the school, they tend to blend more easily and are more easily accepted.  Here are several sites that offer inclusive practices and insights.


A Consensus Model for Including Students with Disabilities into the Regular Classroom 
A School Zone - Inclusion, Accommodation, Transition, and Vocational Page 
Academy for Educational Development---AED links regional centers for special education around the United States with each other and with the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), providing information, technical assistance, and coordination to assist them in providing technical assistance to state education agencies. The Center serves also as a link for all of OSEP's technical assistance and dissemination projects 
Achieving Inclusion Through Collaboration (AIC) Project - A state funded project designed to promote the full inclusion of children with moderate and severe disabilities in their neighborhood schools in Utah. 
American Federation of Teachers "Where We Stand," position statement on inclusion 
AskERIC---Reviews and studies about inclusion. 
Band-Aids and Blackboards - Chronic illness and  other medical problems in school. 
Behavior and Special Ed Links, disruptive and disaffected pupils, classroom management, inclusive education 
Better All Together V: Visions and Strategies for Inclusive Education Conference 
Building Inclusive Schools- An Instructional Series Target users include inservice professionals in regular and special education, parents, and related service personnel engaged in or planning for the full inclusion in neighborhood school of students with diverse learning abilities. 
CAHPERD Resources - Moving to Inclusion---These resources assist teachers by providing them with practical information to include students with a disability in physical education classes and activities. 
California Confederation on Inclusive Education 
Center for Innovations in Special Education (CISE) 
Center for Integrated Education---Inclusion and Education Related Resources (Canada). 
Checking Your School's Readiness for Inclusion 
Children with Down Syndrome can succeed with inclusion 
Circle of Inclusion---The Circle of Inclusion Outreach Training Project is designed to address the challenges and issues of inclusive program development for children with severe, multiple disabilities. 
Collaboration & Inclusion: Kids with Special Needs - Barkley Memorial Center Paraprofessional Self-Study Program 
Community of Learners Network 
Connecticut Coalition for Inclusive Education 
Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices - A collaboration of Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, Child and Family Studies Program, San Diego State University, National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE), and The University of Montana, Rural Institute on Disabilities 
Cooperative Learning 
CSIE: Notes for students on inclusive education 
Curriculum and its impact on inclusion - Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices Issue Brief 2(2) 
Deaf persons and experts speak out against Inclusion 
Differentiating Curriculum for the Inclusive Classroom 
Division for Early Childhood (DEC)---Links, news, products, and publications. 
Early Childhood and Inclusion-FAQ 
Education Policy Analysis Archives: Vol. 4 No. 19 Tanner et al. "Inclusive Education in the United States 
Employment Programs - From the University of Kansas 
Enabling Education Network (EENET) -    information-sharing network aimed at supporting and promoting the inclusion of marginalized groups in education world wide 
ERIC Digest: Inclusion: Including Students with Disabilities in General Education Classrooms: From Policy to Practice. 
Excellence for all children: meeting special educational needs 
Factors Associated with the Provision of Special Education to Students with Disabilities 
Family and community role 
Fiscal Policies that Foster Inclusion 
Foundations of Inclusive Education 
Full Inclusion (A contrary view) 
Gan Harmony - Improving the quality of life by integrating people with disabilities from birth through adulthood into their communities. 
Grouping for inclusion 
Highly Gifted Children in Full Inclusion Classrooms 
Implementing a Balanced Inclusion Program - by Mary Evans, Becky Holland, and Pat Nichol 
Including Students with Disabilities-Readings 
Inclusion - Full Inclusion is not the Least Restrictive Environment for all Students with Disabilities 
Inclusion (The ARC) 
Inclusion and Individualized Education Program-IEP 
Inclusion at The High School Level. 
Inclusion Classroom - "This article was written in the Fall of 1991 by Kathy Smith and Patty Chan. Since then, the Inclusion Model classroom has been a successful part of the Carminati community."  
Inclusion List - electronic mail network on the topic of Inclusive Education. 
Inclusion Network - The Inclusion Network is a group of volunteers concerned with making Greater Cincinnati a more inclusive community. 
Inclusion of Students With Special Needs: Database serving all teachers and school districts in Washington State 
Inclusion or Intrusion? - from the Mining Company 
Inclusion Project - cooperative venture between the University of Tennessee, College of Education and the South-Doyle Middle School of Knoxville 
Inclusion Resources 
Inclusion/Detracking: A Resource Guide 
Inclusion: Brian's Story 
Inclusion: Curry School of Education 
Inclusion: Emerging Issues 
Inclusion: The MESH Manual for Inclusive Schools: About the Manual 
Inclusion's Home Page 
Inclusive Education -UNI
Inclusive Education - About Down syndrome 
Inclusive Education - National Association for the Education of Young Children   
Inclusive Education in Europe 
Inclusive Education Sites 
Inclusive Education Takes a Lesson From the Forty Niners 
Inclusive Education Web Site - Guidelines for teaching in an inclusive classroom and resources. 
Inclusive Education, Annotated Bibliography 
Inclusive Education, Strategies for Success 
Inclusive Education: Practical Implementation of the Least Restrictive Environment  
Inclusive Education: Seven Years of Practice 
Inclusive Network of Kansas  
Inclusive Technology - A Critical Review of the literature Relating to the Education of the Disabled Children in Developing Countries 
Inclusive Technology - Enabling Education Network (EENET) 
Inclusive Technology - UNESCO publications on special needs education 
inclusive-education discussion list 
Information on preparing non-disabled students for inclusion 
Infoseek: Special education mainstreaming & inclusion 
Institute on Community Integration (University of Minnesota)---Integration Minnesota University Affiliated Program on Developmental Disabilities Research and Training Center on Residential Services and Community Living Early Childhood Research Institute on Measuring Growth and Development and National Transition Network. 
Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota  
International Perspectives on Inclusion 
Internet Resources for Special Children (IRSC) 
INTSEP - The Institute of Special Education of the University of Fribourg has maintained a research project about Integration called "INSTEP" (INTegration vs SEParation) since the middle of the eighties. 
Issue Brief: Including Students with Disabilities in Accountability Systems 
Jim Lubin's Disabilities / Health Related Magazines / Newsletters 
LD Online (The Learning Disabilities Project) 
LD Online: Inclusion - Issues & Answers 
Learning & Instruction: The TIP Database  
Mainstreaming vs. Exclusion? - Three "average" teenagers search for the answer in ThinkQuest project. 
Mainstream-Magazine of the Able-Disabled 
McGill University - Inclusive Education 
Multi-Sensory Teaching, Least Restrictive Inclusion Practices, Conversational 
National Center to Improve Practice (NCIP)---"The National Center to Improve Practice (NCIP) promotes the effective use of technology to enhance educational outcomes for students with sensory, cognitive, physical and social/emotional disabilities." 
National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System---NEC*TAS provide responsive technical assistance (TA) to the programs supported under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for infants and toddlers with disabilities (Part H of IDEA) and for preschoolers with disabilities (Section 619-Part B of IDEA) in all states and participating jurisdictions, and to the projects funded by OSEP under the Early Education Program for Children with Disabilities (EEPCD). 
National Parent Information Network---"The purpose of NPIN is to provide information to parents and those who work with parents and to foster the exchange of parenting materials." 
New Mobility's Interactive Cafe - "The largest community on the web for disability news, resources and culture." 
Office: S.A.F.E.: Schools Are For Everyone: Inclusive Education in Washington State  
On Inclusive Education - by Ben and Renee Adams 
ONElist : Education : Special Needs : inclusive-kent 
Parent Soup - Inclusion 
Park Cities ACLD 
Passages to Inclusion - "On June 27, 1995, a national Leadership Forum on the inclusion of children with 
disabilities in community-based child care 
Portraits of Inclusion through the eyes of children, families 
Position Paper on Supported Inclusive Education 
Project Sky Lab Tomorrow's Education Today - Project Sky Lab is a Special Education inclusion program designed to integrated the curriculum. 
R.J. Cooper's Special Needs Home Page---Information about assistive technology to enable people with disabilities to do more with computers! 
Related Services Supporting Inclusion 
Relevant Literacy Development Within the Inclusive Classroom 
Report Card to the Nation on Inclusion in Education of Students with Mental Retardation 
Research and Training Center on Family Support and Children's Mental Health 
Special Needs: Include all of your learners - inclusion & integration.  
Speech Language Pathologists and Inclusion 
Strategies for Inclusion Initiative 
Successful Inclusion Begins In The Home 
TACHO Council of Educators for Students with Disabilities 
Teacher Collaboration-FAQ 
Technology and Inclusion 
Technology Supports Inclusion in Preschool 
The Dutton Family Page 
The Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education 
The Impact of Inclusive School System Initiatives on the Education of Students with Disabilities  
The Inclusion Charter - Ending segregation in education for all children and young people with disabilities and/or learning difficulties 
The Inclusion Collection 
The Inclusion Network - Working To Build A More Inclusive 
The Institute for Community Inclusion 
The National Transition Alliance for Youth with Disabilities (NTA) 
Thesis - Inclusive Education 
Topic 3. Inclusive Education 
Towards Inclusion -  Towards Inclusion: The Role of Information 
Towards Inclusion: A Handbook for Modified Course Designation - This handbook provides information about implementing inclusive educational opportunities for Senior Years students with significant cognitive disabilities through curriculum modifications. 
Towards Inclusion: The Role of Information - Background 
University of Alberta - Issues when beginning an inclusive program  
Using Best Practices to Build Inclusive Schools 
Utah's Project for Inclusion---Altlhough services are primarily for Utah, the site contains (under construction) a variety of resources related to inclusive education---quotes, printed materials, videos, and reviews of inclusion related materials. 
What is Community Inclusion? 
Whats and How to's of Inclusive Education 
Why inclusive education?