Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Scope
  3. Installation of Web Server
  4. Installation of WWWISIS
  5. Web Interface to WWWISIS
  6. Guided Search

6.1.    Guided Search Web Page
6.2.    Input Parameter File
6.3.    Path Specification File
6.3.    CGI File
6.5.    Epilog File
6.6.    Print/Display Format for Full Record Display
6.7.    Epilog File for Citation Display
6.8.    Print/Display Format for Citation Display
6.9.    Files and Process Links for Guided Search
6.10.  The Screen Layouts of Guided Search

  1. Direct Search

7.1.    Direct Search Web Page
7.2.    Input Parameter File
7.3.    CGI File
7.4.    Files and Process Links for Direct Search
7.5.    The Screen Layouts of Direct Search

  1. Conclusion
  2. References

              Design by:  F. J. Devadason     
& Nancy Canisius

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