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In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, a service of the U.S. Congress through its Library

THOMAS is a service provided by the United States Congress through the Library of Congress to make available Congressional activities, reports, bills and laws in a manner accessible to the citizens of the United States.

On THOMAS you will find a report on what has been happening in Congress during the past calendar week. This includes floor activities for both the House and the Senate.

THOMAS has an extensive section of information concerning legislation/bills. This section includes information on major legislation from the 104th and 105th congresses which is searchable by topic and popular title. Bill summary and status information is available from the 93rd Congress through the 105th. Bill text is available for the 103rd Congress through the 105th. Public Laws by Law Number are available for the 93rd Congress through the 105th.

The Congressional Record, a verbatim account of all proceedings on the floors of both the House and the Senate, is available through THOMAS full text for the 103rd, 104th and 105th congresses. The Congressional Record Index is available for the 103rd Congress - 2nd Session, 104th Congress - 1st Session, 104th Congress - 2nd Session and the 105th Congress - 1st Session.

Committee information on THOMAS includes Committee Reports for both the 104th and 105th Congresses, home pages for individual committees of both the House and the Senate, schedules of House committees and transcripts of selected House committee meetings.

Historical Documents featured on THOMAS include the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, early Congressional documents and the Constitution.

Documents featured on THOMAS which explain the Legislative process include How Our Laws Are Made , revised and updated by Charles W. Johnson, House Parliamentarian; and Enactment of a Law by Robert B. Dove, Senate Parliamentarian.

THOMAS features a section on other U.S. Government Internet Resources which contains links to Congressional Internet Services as well as other Library of Congress Web Links to other branches of state and federal government.

For assistance with THOMAS or any other Internet resource, please contact the Reference Desk.

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