
Its overpowering noise is deafening. Can't it leave me alone, wont it bother another? Now I see, I know... Stop! Why do we let this power of nothing, This force of emptiness, rule our lives. It dominates our hearts and minds. It never lets us be Wont it ever stop. I need noise Some sound Anything If you wont break the silence I will I don't mind sticking out, being me. Someone must stand for their beliefs. Will you come with me Speak up will you Where are you I'm alone? Hello!?! I know your out there snug and warm in your securities It doesn't hurt to talk, to break. The silence, Now. I have already started it, come join my voice Two voices will carry over the others silence And with two soon others will join Don't you see I need you My voice dies without yours I need your support I need you Just some Please I'm begging now my voice can't last It gets weaker and weaker Soon its gone Disappeared. You must help me the world is shrouded in silence To much silence for one person to break Do you see the emanate need. Don't you want peace? Then speak. Shout. Where are you? Still gone. Away Any murmur None. Help Speak Listen Silence.

Mark Tyler Mathison (b. 1978)

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