The dark night

I rode home on my bike tonight
It was quiet
A lone guy on a quiet street

I look around, feel the air on my face
I feel good 
It feels good, the warmth, the night air

There are no stars at which to gaze
Nothing out of the ordinary to amaze
Yet the night feels so perfect
And the soft breeze soothes me so
I find myself staying outside
Just to be outside

That instant, I realise I want to share this moment with you
To share this not so amazing, yet so perfect night with you
For what is a feeling that cannot be shared? 
A fleeting state of mind, untouchable, desolate and destined to be forgotten.

Yet a feeling shared... ah yes... a feeling shared...
This is what bonds are made of
This is what connects us and devides us the same
This is what captures an impression, makes it into a part of you

Alone we are but alone
Sometimes even within our own flock
Where so much is shared, so much is left unsaid
If only we could share
If only we could all share this feeling of this night
This dark night

If only I could share this feeling with you, my dear
So impossibly far away, yet so unnervingly near
If only we could lay down in the grass on our backs
To watch the stars, sparkling down on us from the deep blue sky

If only we could take the ride to eternity
And find our place amongst those stars
The place without boundaries and rules
Save those we impose on ourselves

Follow me dear, I know the way
You don't have to take a step
You don't have to beat your wings
For this place is locked inside your heart
Somewhere, deep within

Many turns we have already taken
On our ventures into the heart
And though we would claim it forsaken
This place has been with us from the start

Call it heaven, paradise, what you will
To me it is the dream, interwoven with life
From the first time you said hi
From the first time you said ... hi. 

This is the dream that cannot be undone
The neverending story, once it has begun

Yet maybe life will get us down 
And all of this will come to pass
But this night is ours.
Devided by a thousand miles
And a thousand lives
I will share this gentle night with you
And share it with you forever.