Major Schools of Thought...

The Twentieth Century has brought about a rise in the number of leisure hours for many people, most of these people just Vegetate, but some spend this spare time thinking. Thus there has been a Plethora of new philosophies and schools of thought thought up. All of which have been discussed by the thinking people and presented to the general populous as good doctrine, and worth the piles of money they receive whilst sitting down thinking these things up. But beneath the dry language, there seems to run a common theme. So here I will outline the Major Schools of thought, giving definitions that the average Joe can understand.

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Aristotelianism- Aristotle was a Human
Cynicism- Humans should be Cynical
Dialectic- Mankind is basically bad; Humans are basically good, and together they become people
Empiricism- Humans are empiralists
Existentialism- Humans exist, therefore everything exists
Humanism- Humans are the best Humans
Idealism- Humans aren't really Humans, unless they think they are Humans
Logical Positivism- Humans are positive they are logical
Marxism- Marx was a human in his own class
Pragmatism- Humans can be Pragmatic
Predestination- Humans were predestined to be Humans
Rationalism- Rations are the source of Military Humans
Scepticism- Sceptics are only Human... or are they?
Stoicism- Only virtuous humans are real Humans
Transcendentalism- Humans should philosophise that they are not humans.
Utilitarianism- Humans are good when they please themselves.

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