"We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity."

The insanity referred to in this step is not the insanity of using drugs. We were restored to the sanity of not using by surrendering to Step 1, we now find ourselves clean and our lives are still unmanageable in many areas. Much of that umanageability comes from doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results each time. Of course, the results are always the same, unmanageability and insanity in our lives. But what is there to do, go on the best we can, or begin to change with the Second Step as our guide through ongoing recovery.

The next question we begin to ask is: What is the power greater than ourselves? Many of us immediately thought this meant our Higher Power, but we are not introduced to a Higher Power until the Third Step. Our Higher Power is the ultimate power greater than ourselves, whatever our concept of a Higher Power is. However, this is not the power greater than ourselves that we are referring to in the Second Step. The best way to explain this is that a power greater than ourselves can change from situation to situation. I like to call it gifts from my Higher Power. A power greater than ourselves can be the NA program, a sponsor, another person, pain or something we may read, etc. It is anything that makes us aware of the insanity of a situation if we act out on a defect or negative will.

Now having an understanding of the Second Step, let's look at some of the ways we can apply the Second Step into our lives.

  1. The first way we applied this step when we came into the program was that NA becomes a power greater than ourselves. It helps us get through early problems without using and teaches us different ways of doing things.
  2. Something someone may share with us can become a power greater than ourselves, if it makes us aware of something we are doing in the wrong way so we can then change it.
  3. Pain many times becomes. a power greater than ourselves. Sometimes it is the only thing that will make us do something in a different way to get sane results.
  4. A Sponsor or some other recovering addict can become a power greater than ourselves, by making us aware of the way we are doing things.

You can now see a power greater than ourselves can change from, situation to situation. The important thing is to be aware of how to apply this is principle in your life, so that insanity and unmanageability does not take hold. The principle of the step can be a power greater than ourselves.

The following questions, you are to write about on a separate paper and return to your sponsor.

  1. What does "we" mean as it applies to Step 2?
  2. Write out definition of "came to" as they apply to Step 2.
  3. In the dictionary, look up and write out the definition of the word "believe."
  4. Write out your own definition of the word "believe."
  5. What is your definition of "a power greater than yourself"?
  6. List 3 powers greater than yourself in your active using.
  7. List 3 powers greater than yourself in your recovery.
  8. What are the 3 characteristics that a higher power should have?
  9. What does the word "could" mean to you?
  10. In the dictionary, look up and write out the definition of "could."
  11. In the dictionary, look up and write out the definition of "restore."
  12. Write out how you were insane when using.
  13. Write out how you are insane in recovery.
  14. Write out your definition of "sanity."
  15. In the dictionary, look up and write out the definition of "sanity."
  16. What are the benefits of "coming to believe in a power greater than yourself?"
  17. Name 10 positive things that a power greater than yourself has done for you. 5 while using and 5 in recovery.
  18. What is a power greater than yourself?
  19. What type of sanity is the second step referring to?
  20. How can I apply this step into my life?
  21. What does this step mean to me?