Requests for Information Related to Thomas Jefferson



> What was Thomas Jefferson's Philosophy?? It is not possible adequately to explain Jefferson's political philosophy in just a few words. The website, Thomas Jefferson on Politics & Government, does a fairly good job of outlining it. If you really want to understand it, reading that website from start to finish would be a good way to do it. Essentially, Jefferson's political philosophy describes a view of people and government that seeks to nourish the highest development of human potential. It is a system of self-government founded on the inalienable rights of man, and the essential foundation was described in the Declaration of Independence. It views government for a free society as a means for the people of that society to live fully and to live in happiness, with protection afforded to their lives, their liberties, and their right to pursue their happiness. It views all persons as worthy of the freedom to reach their highest potential, and it describes the forms of government and the government policies that are best designed to achieve those ends.


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