Requests for Information Related to Thomas Jefferson



> I have looked at many articles concerning Thomas Jefferson, but I have not > found anything about his wife. Do you know what her name was? Your article > was very good, I enjoyed reading it. Thank you Jefferson was married to Martha Wayles Skelton (a widow) on January 1, 1772. His wife died September 6, 1782. Jefferson destroyed all the letters between them, but she was said to be beautiful, "a little above medium height, slightly but exquisitely formed." She was a graceful rider and dancer, loved books and was well read. She loved music and was proficient on the harpsichord and spinet. Her father was one of Virginia's wealthier planters. Jefferson was emotionally destroyed when his wife died, and grieved for a very long period. His willingness to serve as a representative of the United States in France was partially to effect a change in circumstances following his wife's death. More information could be obtained from any biography of Jefferson, such as Willard Sterne Randall's Thomas Jefferson: A Life.


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