From: "Kurt Webber"
Subject: Heart Mountain
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 00:04:41 -0800

Dear John:

About a year ago I sent you digital photographs of Heart Mountain Camp. One of the nurses at the camp, Velma Berryman Kessel, was from my home town. Velma kept a diary and few years before she passed away she had it typed, Xeroxed and made up several little booklets.

From: "Kurt Webber"
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 11:24:11 -0800

There is 119 pages in the booklet. There is no summary. It simply a daily diary. I can scan a few pages to you each day.

From: "Kurt Webber"
Subject: Diary Acknowledgements
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 12:03:39 -0800


Here is the Diary Acknowledgement page. Velma Berryman Kessel was born and raised at Deaver, Wyoming. I scanned this at 200 dpi and then reduced it down. If you need to enlarge you should be able to do so with out losing quality. Velma's photo and book cover that I sent earlier was scanned at 75 dpi, therefore, will not be very high quality if you have to enlarge. Let me know if you want me to resend.--Kurt W. Webber, Bismarck, ND (formally of Frannie, Wyoming)

From: Debra Madsen
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 4:00 PM
Subject: Velma Berryman Kessel

Messrs Webber and Yu:
Our firm represents Velma Kessel, the author and copyright owner of Behind Barbed Wire. Your posting of the book on the internet is an infringement of Mrs. Kessel’s copyright. Therefore, we request that you remove the book posting immediately. The book may be purchased directly from Mrs. Kessel at P.O. Box 502, Powell, WY 82435 for $10.00 plus mailing costs. (Contrary to Mr. Webber’s email, Mrs. Kessel is alive.)

Please contact me should you have any questions.


Donald P. Prehoda, Jr.

Donald P. Prehoda, Jr.
Prehoda, Leonard and Janack, LLC
P O Box 789
Laramie, WY 82073-0789
307-742-7896 (phone)
307-742-9799 (fax)

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In Reply:

Well this is interesting - I've read about things like this happening to other people on the internet, but here I am getting one of these emails myself. It certainly is great to hear that Velma may be alive. I have the utmost respect for her endeavors and her work, so I am taking down the page for the moment. However, it occurs to me that just about anybody on the internet could make such a claim for whatever reason, so I would like to request some verification that what you've said is true.

In particular it would be great if you could provide me with a quick way to contact Mrs. Kessel (does she have email?) ...I'd like to ask her permission to include excerpts, if not the whole, of her writing because I think it is important for historical reasons. In any case, I've done a little searching on the internet, and pages like imply that Velma was at least still alive on September 15, 1998. In addition, the bibliography at and author information at indicates her writing was self-published in 1992. It is for these reasons that I am taking down her page, although I would normally be a little more skeptical.

Thanks for your concern,
Henry Kissinger's role in the Cambodian genocide, Chile, and East Timor, makes him a first class war criminal, arguably at least in the class of Hitler's Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop, hanged in 1946. But Kissinger has the impunity flowing naturally to the leaders and agents of the victorious and dominant power. He gets a Nobel Peace prize, is an honored member of national commissions, and is a favored media guru and guest at public gatherings.
- Prof Edward Herman, Univ of Pennsylvania

From: Debra Madsen
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 11:12:49 -0700
To: "CJohnYu.96"
Subject: Velma Berryman Kessel

Mr. Yu:

Thanks for your quick response to Mr. Prehoda's request that you remove Behind Barbed Wire from the web. You may contact Mrs. Kessel through her daughter Cheryl Kolesein

Thanks again,
Debra Madsen

Debra J. Madsen
Prehoda, Leonard and Janack, LLC
P O Box 789
Laramie, WY 82073-0789
307-742-7896 (phone)
307-742-9799 (fax)

This email message and any attached files are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) named above. This communication may contain material protected by the attorney-client, work product, or other privileges. If you are not the intended recipient or person responsible for delivering this confidential communication to the intended recipient, you have received this communication in error, and any review, use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, copying, or other distribution of this email message and any attached files is strictly prohibited. If you have received this confidential communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply email message and permanently delete the original message

From: "Kurt Webber"
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 04:24:07 -0800


Below is a photograph of the Methodist Church at Deaver. My father helped build the church and my mother was Sunday School Superentendent for years and years and years. My mothers funeral was in this church in July 24, 2000 and Dad's funeral was just 16 days later on August 8th
|Methodist Church|

From: "Kurt Webber"
Subject: Map
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 04:30:13 -0800


Velma mentions the towns of Lovell, Powell, and Deaver. Thought you might like to see a map of Northern Wyoming so you can see where these places are located. Our farm was located 3 miles east of Frannie, Wyoming. The High School was located at Deaver. I was born at the hospital at Lovell. Billings, Montana is located 80 miles north of Frannie.--Kurt

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