Aids to assit in meditation

Audio chanting tape

This tape especially made for people interested in how to say the mantras and gives the meditator someone to meditate(chant) with.It also shows the meditator(chanter) how to do it and how to say it.. You can chant/meditate along with the tape. Most of the recommended mantras are on the one hour tape. Most people chant at home but some play the tape in their car and purify while standing in traffic.

Yours for only $7+$3 including shipping in US ($7+$5 outside US). Contact Michael or Shari Balarama for information. checks are accepted.

One hour of chanting the Lord's name-tape

This tape is one hour of chanting the Lord's name by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami who devoted his life to propagating the use of the Lord's name in allowing a person to transcend his material attachments and enter the arena of God Consciousness.It is one mantra chanted for the entire one hour.

Yours for only $10+$3 including shipping in USA ( 10+$5 outside US). Contact Michael or Shari Balarama for information. checks are accepted.

Exclusive Bhagavad-Gita, As It Is,available

This Bhagavad-Gita is the one book that will explain the transcendental science of mantra meditaion and how it works. It was written 5000 years ago and translated from Sanskrit by A.C. Bhaktivedanta.He explains why mantra meditation works, how to do it, examples of people who have done it, and what is so special about the Lord's name.It is 904 page that explains the difference between open eyes(light) and closed eyes(darkness).

Yours for only $14+$5 including shipping in USA ($14+$10 outside US). Contact Michael or Shari Balarama for information. As with any Bhaktivedanta Mantra Meditation purchase, Mastercard, Visa(need name as appears on card, card number,expiration date), and checks are all accepted.

Neem Chanting Beads,available

How to keep track while you are meditating and chanting?... with special beads.The beads also help you meditate by getting your sense of touch involved making the meditation much easier.

Each time you say the mantra you move to the next bead. There are 108 beads in the strand.It is recommended to chant the mantra a regularly the same number of times. You might go around the 108 beads once twice or more. Try it will change your life. These chanting beads are made from the wood of a very special tree that has antiseptic properties-the neem tree.

only $2+$3 including shipping in USA($2+$5 outside US). Contact

Michael or Shari Balarama for information. As with any Bhaktivedanta Mantra Meditation purchase, Mastercard, Visa(need name as appears on card, card number,expiration date), and checks are all accepted.

Complete Bhagavada Gita as it is.. on CD-ROM $35+$5 in USA $35+$8 anywhere in world
need Windows3.x or Windows 95
486/66 Pentium or faster processor
VESA local bus or PCI video card
Sound card

show 38(100min)Mantra Meditation instructional video: stress relief & expanded consciousness

*********************************************************************************************************** This an actual Mantra Meditation class filmed in Houston Texas with outside information added.A licensed professional counselor walks the viewer through the ins and outs of mantra meditation. She speaks of the scientifically proven stress relief results confirmed by Harvard Medical school like lower blood pressure. An internal medicine physician and a Benedictine Monk speak of the effects of mantra mediation in their lifes and yours. You are shown the power of sound and how to harness this power. A mantra mediation class was filmed and the viewer can meditate with the class that includes a Ph.D. professor and a doctor intern. They also ask questions and their problems are answered. This meditation is effective for people on the go. Try it for three weeks and see if your life is not changed. Remember...Harvard University supports this type of meditaiton.

Mantra Meditation instructional video 100 minutes $19.95+$3 in USA or $19.95+$10 in PAL shipped outside USA

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