Who is Mu`ammar al-Qadhafi?

"A man of faith and tradition, Mu`ammar al-Qadhafi cannot be classified according to the criteria commonly admitted. If you search for him on the Right you will find him on the Left, since he preaches in many ways a renovation with the air of revolution. But if you look for him on the Left you risk finding him on the Right, because this sincere mystic is tied to more than one traditional value. It is not Qadhafi who is senseless; it is the terms [which are] obsolete, and upon which are based the subjective judgements of foreign observers who are more interested in polemic than in the truth."
- Prof. Francis Dessart
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To the Western establishment and international Zionism, Mu`ammar Qadhafi is a 'madman' and the world's number one 'terrorist'. To the oppressed, the exploited and the struggling peoples of the Earth he is a teacher, guide, brother, but above all, the leader of a world revolution for a New Civilisation.

At the Second World Mathaba Conference held in Tripoli, Libya, on March 15th, 1986, just one month prior to the United States bombing raids on Libya, the spiritual head of the North American based "Nation of Islam", Minister Louis Farrakhan introduced Mu`ammar Qadhafi by stating that the Libyan Arab people's collective need for freedom produced a leader who was born to serve the masses. Minister Farrakhan said that when a people is oppressed the need for freedom produces a longing which in turn produces a leader.

"The oppressor is always watching for that leader," Louis Farrakhan explained, "...they know that the people will never be free until they produce a leader with the vision to create the revolution and see it through to its ultimate end."

Such a leader is Mu`ammar al-Qadhafi.

Born in the desert near the town of Sirte in 1942, Mu`ammar Qadhafi has been deeply influenced by his traditional upbringing. He has been described as a messenger and a thinker in the ancient North African tradition of the 'marabout' - a holy man. He lives simply, he does not drink, and he prays regularly. Although devout, he is a progressive Muslim in the tradition of the Prophet Muhammed, believing in feminine emancipation and the role of women in society.

Brother Qadhafi praying in the desert

When asked by journalists about how he was brought up, Brother Qadhafi said:
"It was difficult in terms of the circumstances and the environment in which I lived. Bedouin life is mobile; the strictness of upbringing therefore comes from the severity of these circumstances. But socially I was free. We were bedouins enjoying full freedom and we lived amongst nature and everything was absolutely pure, in its true self, in front of us. We lived on the land and there was nothing between us and the sky. "Bedouin life made me discover the natural laws, natural relationships, life in its true nature, before life knew oppression, coercion and exploitation. This enabled me to write The Green Book. "I had a general idea how to make the masses free, how to make man happy. After that, things started to get clearer".

Brother Qadhafi explained that this had led him to set out his analysis in The Green Book:
"It is not like writing an ordinary book. It was simply an attempt to explain the dialectic which exists between Marxism and capitalism. The world has reached a political and economic impasse, and humanity simply cannot accept this impasse and accept to die. There must be a way out. That way out is this new theory".

Mu`ammar Qadhafi's message covers the political, economic, social and philosophical dimensions of life. In The Green Book with inspired insight and a deep vision he sets out fully the principles of the Third Universal Theory, a way beyond both communism and capitalism. The main idea behind The Green Book is a return to the natural life and to natural forms of socialism and direct democracy - People's Power - which places all authority, wealth and arms in the hands of the people. In March 1986 the British newspaper Daily Mail held an exclusive interview with the revolutionary leader. In the introduction to the article the writer commented:

"It was hard to credit that this was the man President Reagan had condemned as the world's number one terrorist.

"Colonel Mu`ammar al-Qadhafi was simple and charming sitting by the bonfire outside his tent when I arrived to interview him. He told me:

'I see the press as being the messengers between me and the world to tell [the people] the truth.'"

The Daily Mail stated: "Here is al-Qadhafi, his view of the world in which he feels destiny has cast him in the role of a Prophet and a Messiah, above all a warrior for the Arab world and the Palestinian cause so dear to his heart."

The Italian writer Mirella Bianco drew a comparison between Mu`ammar Qadhafi and the Prophet Muhammed which in closing is worthy of note. Both the Prophet and Qadhafi are Bedouins of a similar desert background. They both share, therefore, a common love for freedom, physical endurance, and an ideal of equality in society. They are both given to meditation, and share the belief that no real change in society could occur without a spiritual transformation. Both share a feeling of urgency in having to convey their vision of the universe to others. They are both teachers with unshakable certainty in the rightness of their convictions. They both possess unusual courage, and an indomitable determination to pursue their mission. Finally, they are products of similar moments of transition and change in human history.

Mirella Bianco ends her biography of Mu`ammar Qadhafi with the following words: "The future will decide whether Mu`ammar al-Qadhafi is to be simply a shooting-star across the skies of the Arab World from the Atlantic to the Gulf, or whether he is to be the bearer of its message to mankind."

This is Mu`ammar al-Qadhafi.

Col. Qadhafi with Pres. Mandela
Col. Qadhafi and President Mandela responding to the cheers of the Libyan people during Bro. Mandela's visit to Libya in 1998.
(Text adapted from a document posted by LACC of Melbourne, Australia)

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