" INTERI " Shintoism was founded by Dr. John J. Williams, ( An ordained Baptist Minister) after he was hospitalized when his motor vehicle caught fire and he suffered burns to 40% of his upper body. It was at this time that he experienced an " out of body " experience when his heart stopped due to a reaction to the pain killer morphine .
    It was during this hospital stay that he drifted in and out of consciousness and many questions he had about religion, life and death and the universe in general were revealed to him in countless dream-like communications with what appeared to be spirits or energy entities. He was allowed to " see " the meaning of life and the roles we are assigned in order to continue in the afterlife or spirit world .

   After his release from the " burn unit " he studied various religions and found that secular shintoism was the one which seemed to meet the basic criteria in relation to his perception of what path one must follow to be assured or granted the possibility of continued existence after physical death based on his religious enlightenment .

    When his wife experienced the same " out of body " experience a few years later, and recounted her experiences, he knew that he had stumbled upon the most probable path to follow in order to prepare himself and others for existence after physical death . ( He studied reports on "out of body" experiences and found that it was a very common occurrence among people from all walks of life )

    Research has shown that millions of other human beings experienced almost exactly the very same type of " out of body " experiences throughout recorded history, and that " being drawn into the tunnel" is a common part of 99% of all such experiences, this, coupled with Dr. Williams other revelations during this stressful episode of his life, laid the groundwork for the creation of the " INTERI " Shinto sect.

    He chose the name " INTERI " because it means " Enlightened or Intellectual " in Japanese . It follows the tenets of the original 13 sects of Shintoism, but uses modern technology and scientific basis to explain the various aspects which make such a unique religious path .

    One of the unique aspects of " INTERISM" is that it employs the traditional Japanese martial arts as a vehicle to unite oneself with the universal energy known in Japan as " KI " . This unification is known as  " AIKI " and involves transfer of internal energy between oneself and the various other containers on our world .

     INTERI SHINTOISM is more than merely uttering meaningless chants, trying to induce an altered state through meditation, or following mindless doctrines born of an era of intellectual dwafism .
    It it more than reading a few books and accepting their contents as absolute truth . It is more than following the whims of a charismatic leader or buying into a myth without reasonable evidence to support it as possible, let-alone, probable .
    It is an on-going effort to dwell into all aspects of human experiences or activities in order to better understand life and our role in this universe . It is an active effort to seek what is most likely, and dismiss that which is neither logical or in our best interests as human beings .
    There is no mystecism in understanding God and what prophets throughout history have revealled as the true path to spiritual survival . However, we must be willing to strip-away the thousands of years of conditioning ploys and schemes  used to control and enslave people .
    In effect, Interi Shintoism is a modern interpretation of the lessons or guide-posts left by all the religious prophets that have led to an organised religion or spiritual following throughout mankind without the need to use negativity toward any religioius belief in order to justify our own existance .
    Our purpose or intention is not to concern ourselves with the path taken by others under numerous religious banners but with concentrating on our own efforts to seek what, to us, seems to be the best path for our own spiritual survival after physical death .
    If we isolate ourselves from any religious group, we might be closing the door of oppertunity to find more pieces of the puzzle which we need to see the overal picture of spiritual salvation . It is for that religion that Interi Shintoism must act in a friendly and respectful manner toward anyone from any other religious following or organization .