The Corinthian
The tale of plucky Pen and resourceful Richard

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The Corinthian is also set in the Regency era. It revolves around the two main protagonists, the beautiful, blond waif apparently cursed with a fortune, Penelope Creed and the handsome Corinthian, Sir Richard Wyndham.

Sir Richard Wyndham is the last of his family and it is his duty to be married. So doing, he decides to leaves his bachelor days behind him and decides to marry the lady his family has picked for him, the cold, hard Melissa Brandon..

Coming home drunk just a few hours after almost making a proposal to a lady that he shares no love for, Sir Richard stumbles through the streets of London. In a dazed state, he espies a slight figure climbing out of the upper window of a townhouse. Richard manages to catch this person only to discover that the imagined thief is actually the lovely Miss Creed in disguise. She is attempting to escape from her managing relatives and in his presently, inebriated state, Sir Richard decides to accompany her.

The elegant Corinthian soon awakes to find himself crammed into a stage-coach on the way to Bristol. The resourceful Pen has taken on the name of Penn Brown, a scrubby little schoolboy and has placed herself under his care. Unbeknownst to him, Richard's relatives have come to the conclusion that he has run off with some past amour of his - especially after finding a significant lock of guinea-gold hair.

A partner in Pen's escape, Richard soon finds that he is in no hurry to return to reality as yet - especially with the thought of bethrothal to Miss Brandon looming ahead. Soon, the pair are hopelessly embroiled with a dastardly passel of thiefs and also a pair of silly young star-crossed lovers. And to his surprise, Richard finds himself having the time of his life and starts to fall for his beautiful young conspirator.

I am trying to tell you that I love you, and all you will say is that I have beautiful manners!

Although she has started to care for her valiant Corinthian, Pen refuses to believe that such a sophisticate could fall for a grubby little chit barely out the schoolroom. Therefore the poor Sir Richard soon finds that all his charming address and sparkling wit are for naught as Miss Penn will have none of it.

The arrival of the irrepressible Cedric Brandon finally settles the question for the both of them when he accidentally stumbles onto the fact that his friend, Sir Richard has been cavorting around the countryside with... a lady!

Knight In Shining Armour

April Lady
Bath Tangle
Charity Girl
The Corinthian
Cousin Kate
Devil's Cub
False Colours
Faro's Daughter
Friday's Child
Powder and Patch
Regency Buck
Simon the Coldheart
Sprig Muslin
The Black Moth
The Black Sheep
The Convenient Marriage
The Foundling
The Grand Sophy
The Masqueraders
The Quiet Gentleman
The Reluctant Widow
The Spanish Bride
The Talisman Ring
The Toll-gate
The Unknown Ajax
These Old Shades

Pride and Prejudice

Scarlet Pimpernel

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