Scarlet Pimpernel
The tale of brave Marguerite and dashing Percy

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No, this isn't written by Georgette Heyer. But Miss Heyer would have approved of my putting the Scarlet Pimpernel in here. Written by Baroness Emmuska Ocrzy and set in.. 'the worst of times, the best of times..' in the midst of the French Revolution, it was an adventurous, swashbuckling romance...

Scarlet The hero himself styled himself after a lowly blood-red English flower that grows by the wayside. Intelligent, resourceful and incredibly dashing, the Scarlet Pimpernel apparently spirits members of the French nobility away from the jaws of Madame la Guillotine, much to the chagrin of M. Chauvelin, a French agent, and his vast network of spies and informants. Loved by the English high society and hated by the French Government. And yet no one knew of his secret identity...

One of the most beautiful and most intelligent women in France and now a member of London's ton, Marguerite Blakeney shares everyone's admiration for the brave, dashing hero who risks his life for others in need. As much as she adores this unknown stranger, she abhors the man that she thinks her husband has become. From the strong, passionate man who once wooed and won her in Paris, Sir Percy Blakeney has turned into a fatuous, inane fop whom she can't abide.

The Scarlet Pimpernel

The novel has been published up on the Net as part of the Project Gutenberg... The Scarlet Pimpernel.

Pay a visit to Sir Percy's Place for more news of our hero.

Even Broadway has taken to the dashin' tale of the Scarlet Pimpernel.

The infamous kerbside flower itself... Anagllis arvensis

The characters in her books.
For a full list of her books, go here.

To find out more about Heyer, take a look at some interesting Links.

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