The basics II

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Now that your basic structure is up and running, let's play with what we're putting on that page.

Text! This is by far the most important thing on your page, so don't forget about it and go gif crazy!

To separate text into sections, use the <p> tag. At the end of the text you want separated, put </p>. Example: "<p>This is some text</p><p>This text will be on the next line.</p>" will look like:

This is some text

This text will be on the next line.

Some attributes you can use in the <p> tag to liven it up:

Align = "something"

Aligns the text to a side of the page. Replace "something" with "left," "right," or "center"

Now we can change how your text looks. Here are some tags:

<I> </I>

Puts all text within the two tags in italics.

<b> </b>

Puts all the text between the two tags in bold.

<u> </u>

Underlines all text between the two tags.

 <strike> </strike>

Strikes-through all the text between the two tags. Not all browsers.


All text between the two tags is superscripted. Not all browsers.

<sub> </sub>

All text between the two tags is subscripted. Not all browsers

You can also change the size of your text with the <h> tag. ("H" stands for height)

The very biggest is <h1>, and the very smallest is <h6>






Now for Color!

To change the color of a certain amount of text, use the <font> tag with the color attribute. Example: <font color = "#ff0000">Red text</font> looks like: Red text.

Most popular colors to use and their hexcodes:

#ff0000 = Red

#ff8000 = Orange

#ffff00 = Yellow (yellow)

#00ff00 = Green

#0000ff = Blue

#ff00ff = Purple

Images... This is rather simple, but please don't overload... We aren't here to so the overused gif of the week.

To add an image, use the <img> tag. The complete tag looks like this:

<img src = "image.gif">. Replace "image.gif" with the location of an image file, be it gif, jpg, png or what. If the image is in your directory, just put the file name. If it isn't, however, put the whole URL. (example:



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