My talk with the Lord/ May 15, 2000

Oh To Be A Tiny Tree!

Lord as I struggle through life's journey,
My efforts for You seem so small,
There is so much I should be doing,
But I always seem to fall.

And then You showed me a tiny tree,
In the forest thick and dark,
It can't change it place like me,
But it seeks the tinniest light with all its heart.

It never stopped seeking,
Even though it cannot change its space,
But in its endless struggle I can see,
It has earned Your love and grace.

Oh to be like that tiny tree,
Seeking only the light from above,
I know somehow without asking,
That the light is filled with the Father's love.

Lord let me also stand still and tall,
Let me seek You at every turn,
Let me follow Your light from heaven
And to myself never again to return.


It is not what we do in this life that will justify us before the Father, it is how we truly feel within our hearts. You see, it is a simple matter of true love. If I love someone, they will be the object that rules every corner of my life, just as the light does for that small tree in the midst of the darkness. Love Christ with all your heart, and He will also love you in the very same way.


joe sizemore
May 15, 2000

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