The Protestant Cemetery No.1, Hosur Road, Bangalore

This cemetery is the second oldest cemetery in the city of Bangalore, the first which still exists is the Old Protestant Cemetery or Agram Cemetery off Richmond / Victoria / Trintiy Road. For the purpose of grave locations I have divided this cemetery into four quardrants, all meeting at the center memorial. Starting from the gate on the right side I have denoted at Sector A. To the south of it at the furthest right hand side is denoted at Sector B (this sector has the most of the First World War Graves. To the left and from the furtherest end of the cemetery and on the left side ( Eastern side) is denoted ad Sector C. From the gate on the immediate left side is denoted as Sector D.
Once upon not long ago, this cemetery was inaccessable because of the brambles and overgrowth as some of the photographs would indicate. The cemetery has been cleaned, but still the grass needs to be cut and there is not too much help.
One unfortunate point is that some of the 'War Graves' have been tampered and some removed, something has to be done to stop this desecration of War Graves and old graves. Observation also points out that the upright crosses that are of marble seem to have taken a toll, although some in granite also. This is a different sort of vandalism as the remains are broken and kept around the grave. Some of the graves of children have been mutilated with the little statues of angels seem to have lost their heads.
There is a vague method of burial as the earlier graves can be found in the A & D Sectors and the WWI graves in Sector B. This section being furtherest from the gate is the most active for present burials. Ofcourse this is only my opinion, but visitors can confirm or deny the state of the cemetery.

Sector A


Sector B


Sector C


Sector D


Protestant Cemetery No.2, Hosur Road, Bangalore
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