

Easter climaxes a most important period in the Christian calendar and in the lives of Spiritual Baptists.

This period, being Holy Week runs from the Sunday, through the following Saturday, familiarly known as glorious Saturday. St. Matthew 16:21.

Easter teaches us of the resurrection from the dead of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, after that he was taken into the hand of wicked men, was crucified and slain, and rose again from the dead on the third day, Psalm 16:9-10.

Jesus Christ arose triumphantly because he conquered all, including that great and terrible enemy called ‘Death’. Jesus Christ demonstrated that death has no dominion over life and the conquest of death is the victory over the kingdom of darkness, of Satan and his kingdom. Death is swallowed up by the victory 1st Corinthians 15:55-57.

All that the first Adam had failed to achieve the second Adam, Jesus Christ did according to St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke and St. John. Jesus Christ was seen by his disciples after his death and burial: St. John 20:19-20

Easter symbolises a very glad and joyous occasion in the lives of Spiritual Baptists and spiritual persons, because so much was made possible through the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. A primary aspect of our worship on Easter Sunday is to give thanks to God for his son Jesus. Intercessory prayers are made and offered by His Grace Arch Bishop Granville Williams for mankind; secondly, the sacrament of Holy Communion is administered as a witness of that which the Lord Jesus has laid down for the strength of the church. Thirdly the ministers expound the word of God.

But His Grace Arch Bishop Granville Williams preaches the Easter sermon. Much joy fills the warm atmosphere, there is much singing, clapping and rejoicing, in this worship which lasts for over five hours.