The Life of Peace in Finances

Philippians 4:10-17

In this message we will jump around in the text a little, but we will cover the topic of the life of peace in finances.  I would recommend each person to do a study on verses 11 to 13, even when we think we are in need God is still in control and providing.  Jesus Christ strengthens us through all things including our financial concerns.  He is there for us if we know Him as Lord and Savior.  The early church was persecuted and many were poor, but God provided their needs.  God will provide our needs too!  We are to be content in what ever state we are whether rich or poor, hungry or full, having abundance or suffering need.  We need to be at peace with our circumstances.  Surrendering to God is the key to peace in our lives.

Verse 14.  The Philippian church had supported Paul as a missionary.  They shared in his
affliction.  When we support a missionary we need to give more than money.  We need to provide
prayer support.  When a fellow Christian is in trials and adversity we need to make intercession
for them.  This verse also shows that Paul remembered to say thank you.  When we are helped by
someone we often forget to thank them.  When God answers prayers, we too often forget to
thank Him!

Verses 15-16  Even when other churches or people don’t help, that doesn’t excuse us from not
helping.  The life of a content believer is evident in his giving.  A church that trusts God will be
paying their Pastor and supporting Missionaries even as each of as individuals trust God and give
of our tithes and offerings out of a loving and willing heart!  Our love for God should motivate us
to worship God in our finances.  Before we commit our finances to God, we need to give Him our
hearts.  When God has your heart, He has more than just your finances.  As each member gives
God their heart and returns to their first love our church will become healthy and grow.  Also, a
life dedicated to God from the heart is evident in our giving to the Lord.

Verse 10.  We are to support our Pastors and Missionaries.  I Cor.9:6-14  Tithing involves
trusting God with our finances.  When we pay our tithes and offerings so as to support our Pastor
and Missionaries we are really just returning to God a portion of what He has given us.  Tithing
shows our trust in God to provide for our needs.  When we trust God with our finances, we have
a much more peaceful life.  The number one thing married couples fight over more than any other
thing is finances.  When we yield our finances to God, then He will bless us.  He takes over the
worry and we get to have peace in knowing that God will provide for our needs.

I Thessalonians 5:12  We are to appreciate our pastors.  We are to esteem them highly in love,
because of their work.  I Timothy 5:17,18  As a church, the church needs to pay their Pastor for
the work He does.  When you don’t pay someone for the work they do, we call that stealing.  If
you don’t pay him for what he does, then you are not doing right by him.  I Corinthians9:11-14
Sometimes we do a disservice to Christians by not teaching the whole Word of God.  Too many
times we shy away from preaching on giving and treating our church leaders properly.  Some go
overboard on the subject and just desire the gift, which is as equally wrong.  I desire that each of
us will handle our finances in a Biblical manner, that we will not give out of constraint but of our
love for God.  As we develop a deeper love for God, we will give out of love for Him.  We need
to give willingly not grudgingly.  I don’t care what people think, but I care what God thinks and
my responsibility is to Him to preach the entire Word.

Each person needs to tithe and that way enable the church to pay their Pastor and then give
offerings above tithe to provide for Missionaries.  God rewards those who honor Him with the
first fruits of all their increase.  Why rob God?  If we truly trust God with our finances, then we
will give Him what is His.  As we are content with what God has entrusted us with we will honor
Him out of love.

Verse 17  The gift does more benefit to those who give than to those who get. Giving is an act of
obedience to Christ.  As we give we are exercising our faith in God’s ability to supply our needs.
In Verse 19, God promises to supply all our needs.  2 Corinthians 9:6,7  When we sow in to the
work of Christ, we reap what we sow.  As we give to the Lord and support His ministry, we share
in the harvest.  The harvest is one that is greater than money or material things, we share in the
harvest of souls for the kingdom of God.

The life of peace involves contentment and not complacency.  Being content with what we have
allows us to worship God with our time, our finances, and our talents.  Content with Jesus and
His goodness, allows us to have a life of true peace!  Peace from loving God with all our hearts
and allowing the Holy Spirit to have full control of our lives!  God is so awesome!  Let’s honor
Him with our hearts and all aspects of our lives!

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