What do Christians believe?


The Fundamentals of the Christian Faith



I John 2:18  The way we know that it is the end time is by the amount of false prophets and antichrists.   New cults spring up all the time.  We have the Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Hare Krishna, Scientologists, Christian Scientists, Unification Church, etc.  Since the late 1800’s & early 1900’s the growth of new cults has grown exponentially.  All of this is a sign that Jesus Christ is coming back soon.  We are in the end times.


Since, we need to know what a cult, false prophet, AKA antichrist is let’s look at what makes a cult a cult.  The word cult come from the Latin word “cultus”  The world in trying to make cults seem more friendly have renamed these groups to “New Religious Movements.”  Either way a cult or a NRM is still part of the antichrists that the Bible prophesied would happen.  The way to mark a group a cult is by their doctrines or teachings.  If they do not hold to the fundamentals of the Christian faith, then they are a cult.  Wide is the path that leads to destruction, but narrow is the gate that leads to eternal life.  The narrow gate is the truth of God's Word, Jesus Christ.


The fundamentals of the Christian faith are as follows:

Inerrancy of Scripture – II Timothy 3:16 The Bible is Divinely Inspired by God and is without error.  “Thy Word oh Lord is Truth.”  The Bible is completely 100% truth and there is no error within it.  II Peter 1:21 The Holy Spirit is the One Who told the men who wrote down the words of the Bible what they must write.  The Bible is complete and is never to be added to, taken away from, or changed.  Revelations 22:18 & 19.  Those who remove things from the Bible are by definition not Christian to begin with, so they are rejecting Christ when they remove or change the Bible.  For example, the Jehovah Witness keep on changing the Bible to make their version say what they want it to say.  They change the Bible to deny the Deity of Christ.  By intentionally changing the Bible and adding errors and removing truth they show by their actions that they are a cult.  The Bible is completely inerrant in its original languages of Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.  Anyone who changes the Bible to add error or subtract truth is not part of the body of Christ.  The best English translations we have today are the NASB and the KJV.  Both versions were translated directly from the original languages.  True Christians stand firmly on the Bible as their Authority for all matters of faith and practice.  We accept God’s Word over experiences.  God’s Word alone is Truth.  All our doctrines (teachings) must be base on the Bible alone, because only the Bible is Divinely Inspired and thus inerrant.  Biblical Authority is one of the Baptist Distinctives.


Deity of Christ – This means that Jesus Christ is both God and man incarnate in one flesh.  Jesus is the very God of heaven, and also is very much a man. Virgin Birth: He was born of the Virgin Mary which makes Him a man.  She was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:34,35; Luke 2:11  He existed before the world began as part of the Trinity, which makes Him God.  Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, etc. all deny that Jesus is God.  Their willful rejection of Jesus Christ as God proves them to be a cult. Mark 14:61; Mark 15:37-39; John 1:1-5; John 8:12 & 24 & 58-59; John 14:6; Romans 10:9,10; I John 1:1-3  Jesus demonstrated His Omnipotence in His miracles.  For example, He turned the water into wine, He raised Lazarus from the dead, and most importantly He raised Himself from the dead.  No other person has ever raised Himself from the dead.  The Old Testament prophets on a rare occasion raised a daughter or a son back to life through the power of God, but since Jesus is God He was able to raise Himself back to life.



Trinity – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all God.  Three in one.  Deut 6:4  ‘The Lord our God is one Lord.”  Elohim is plural and Echad is singular.  The Lord our Elohim (plural) is one Echad (singular).  Romans 8:11 mentions all three, I John 5:7,8  I John 5:7 has been altered in the KJV.  In the original manuscripts “the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” is not found.  These words were added later by the Catholics to prove the Trinity.  We don’t have to alter God’s Word teach its truths.  Another area added to the Bible is in Mark 16:9-20, this is the text the snake handling groups use.  It is very dangerous to base any theology on words that are not part of the original texts.  The Catholics also added the Apocrypha.  Revelations warns that those who add to God’s Word will be cursed.  Only God’s Word is Truth, not the additions.  I John 5:7 in the NASB says, “For there are three that bear witness,”  Note they didn’t retain the addition.  This is why the NASB is the best translation out there.  I John 5:8 The Spirit, the Water and the Blood.  Jesus Christ is the Blood.  The Pneuma (Spirit) is the Holy Spirit.  The Water is God the Father.  At the Baptism of Jesus Christ, God the Father spoke from heaven, while the Holy Spirit descended like a dove.  The voice of God the Father at Jesus Baptism is why He is referred to as the Water.  John 3:16,17  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have to be separate and distinct based on the Baptism of Jesus. Genesis 1:26,27 “Let us make man in our image”  Us plural image singular.  God is Three in One.  An example of this is a clover leaf.  There are three distinct parts of the leaf (mini-leaves) all which combine to make the full leaf.  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit all are distinct individual persons Who together make up One God.  This proves the “Jesus Only” movement and the Jehovah Witnesses to be a heresy and thus a cult and not part of the Christian faith.  The Bible says “Holy, Holy, Holy” Isaiah 6:3  God the Father is Holy, God the Son is Holy, and God the Holy Spirit is Holy.  Matthew 28:19  also backs up the trinity.  Acts 2:32-33 Also proves the trinity.


Imminent Return of Christ – Jesus Christ is coming to rapture home all those who are truly  saved.  Revelations 22:7,12,13,20  John 14:2,3; Acts 1:11; Even as Jesus ascended into heaven, He will return for His church (everyone who is truly saved).  I Thessalonians 4:13-18 & 5:2 & I Corinthians 15:3-7 & 14 Since, Jesus Christ was bodily resurrected we will be also.  Those who died in Christ before us will rise first and then we who are alive and remaining will be caught up together with them.  All true Christians will be raptured.  Matthew 20:17; John 11:23, 24 Martha knew of the rapture, but was unaware of the miracle Jesus was about to perform.  When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He proved He had the power over death.  At Calvary Jesus Himself died and then raised Himself back to life three days later. John 20:27  Thomas physically touched our risen Lord. Romans 10:9, 10 In order to be saved we must believe that Jesus Christ is God and that He rose again from the dead. I Corinthians 15:51-57 The rapture will happen quickly “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.”  We will be raptured out quickly.  Matthew 24:24  A sign that the coming of Christ is soon is that there will be many false christs and false prophets.  We have more religions now than at any time in world history.  The time of Christ’s return is near.  Mathew 24:31 & 36  No one knows when Jesus Christ will come back.  Anyone who predicts the exact day or hour is contradicting Scripture and thus a false prophet.  Matthew 24:37-44  Even as by seasons we know when the harvest is coming, we can tell by the sinfulness of this present age, we know we are in the last days.  We don’t know exactly when, but we know Christ’s return will be soon.  There isn’t anything that must happen before Jesus Christ comes back, so we must be ready!



Substitutionary Atonement of Christ AKA Salvation by Faith through Grace and not by Works – Ephesians 2:8-10.  When Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, He completed the work of salvation.  We must accept His free gift by faith through His Grace and not depend on works.  In other words, our salvation completely hinges on Jesus Christ.  Mark 10:45; John 1:29; I Peter 3:18; Romans 5:6-8.  Since our salvation hinges completely on Jesus Christ’s redeeming work at Calvary and is not based on our own works, the “Holiness” movement is proven to be a cult and not part of the Christian faith.


Total Depravity – In order to be saved from sin, it’s only logical that we were dead in our trespasses and sins.   Before we are saved we are totally dead in our trespasses and sins.  Romans 3:10, 11, 23; 6:20; I Corinthians 15:22 Dead people cannot do anything, because they are dead.  There is nothing they can do to raise themselves to life. The same is true of the unbeliever; there is nothing he can do to save himself.  Only the Jesus Christ who was perfect was able to raise Himself to life, and it was because of His perfection and deity that He was able to do so. He alone is able to raise anyone to spiritual life.  Without Christ no one can raise themselves to life.  John 3:16; Romans 6:23

Limited Redemption – Only those who repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are saved or redeemed.  When Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, His Blood is sufficient for all, but is only efficient for those who believe on Him.  John 3:16, 17 even though Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, not everyone is saved.  Luke 16:23 the rich man wouldn't have been burning in hell if everyone were saved.  In order to be saved, we must accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior prior to death.  In hell, everyone believes that Jesus Christ is the Lord, but they believed too late. 

When Jesus died on the cross He secured our salvation.  I Timothy 1:15 Jesus entire purpose for coming to earth from heaven was to save us sinners.  He came out of love for you and me.  Galatians 1:3, 4 Jesus gave Himself to pay for our sins!  His death on the cross secured our salvation!  Isaiah 53:4, 5, I Peter 3:18, Romans 5:8, 9”While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" That is love! Hebrews 9:12 the purpose of Jesus death on the cross was to secure salvation from sin, so that He could bring us to God. Titus 2:14, Hebrews 13:12, Galatians 3:13, I Peter 2:24.

The Blood of Christ is only effective for those who believe.  Acts 16: 30, 31, Ephesians 2:8, 9 Faith is a necessary component of Salvation.   Albert Barnes says of the Acts passage, “The direct meaning of this is, that salvation, was offered to his family as well as him; implying that if they believed, they should also be saved.”    Believing on the Lord Jesus, turning from sin and accepting His offer of Salvation through faith is what makes His blood effective.  Without faith it is impossible to please God.  Hebrews 11:6

Perseverance of the Saints – Since, salvation is by faith through grace and not of works, we can not lose our salvation based on our deeds even as we can not earn our salvation based on our deeds. Another term used for Perseverance of the Saint is Eternal Security.  Ephesians 2:8, 9 even as we do earn our salvation by works, we do not keep our salvation through works.  Faith produces works, but works never produces faith.  Even as our initial salvation hinges on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, so does our retention of salvation.  John 3:16  Notice "everlasting life"  Everlasting lasts forever.   Ephesians 1:13  We are sealed by the Holy Spirit.  We cannot fall or apostatize, because the Holy Spirit won't allow us to.  We can quench the Holy Spirit, which is something that we shouldn't do.  But we cannot lose our salvation.  Be very careful to make sure you are truly saved though.  "Make your calling and election sure."  If you can sin and stay in sin without the Holy Spirit convicting you, then check your salvation.  The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a way we can know that we are saved.  "If any man hath not the Spirit of Christ he is none of His." The Holy Spirit seals us in Christ.  We must have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to be saved.  At salvation, the Holy Spirit comes in and seals us in Christ.  The Holy Spirit keeps us saved.

The next proof is that the Covenant of Grace is a unilateral contract.  If it was Bilateral, then we would have to work for our salvation. Ephesians 2:8,9 says Salvation is a gift and not of works.  If the covenant of Grace was Bilateral we would have to shed our own blood too.  The Bible says “without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin”  So if it was bilateral we would have to shed our own blood.  But the covenant is a new testament of God.  It is a new covenant in the blood of Christ.  I Corinthians 11:23-25.  The Covenant is unilateral!  Only Jesus blood can take away sin.  Only the Father can foreordain from before the foundation of the world.  Only the Holy Spirit can draw us to Salvation.  And only the Holy Spirit can seal us unto the day of redemption.  The entire Trinity takes part in our salvation.  Salvation hinges on God.  Man is just the recipient of God’s gift.  Jeremiah 32:40.  The covenant is everlasting!  John 15:16  The Fruit remains or is not temporary, but permanent. 

True saints will persevere to the end.  I John 5:4-7  Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world.  I John 4:13 We know we dwell in Him, because He has given us the Holy Spirit.  We are sealed by the Holy Spirit and He produces fruit in our lives.  I John 5:11 How long is eternal?  Forever.  Ephesians 4:30  The Holy Spirit is the one who keeps us.  Many other verses back this up.  Matthew 18:12-14, John 3:36, 5:24, 6:35-40, 47, 10:27-30, 17:11-15, Romans 5:8-10, 8: 1, 29, 30, 35-39, I Corinthians 1:7-9, 10:13, Ephesians 1:5-13, Hebrews 9:12, 15, 10:14, 12:28, I Peter 1:3-5, Jude 1, 24, 25. .


Regeneration by the Holy Spirit – Romans 8: 9,10  All who are truly saved are indwelt by the Holy Spirit.  He is the One Who regenerates us. Regeneration comes from the Greek word paligge meaning a re-creation or new creation.  Titus 3:5  The word translated renewed is anakainosis which means to “make new again.”  As we are saved there is a continuous renewal that the Holy Spirit does.  As He is the One Who is able to keep us from falling.  The Holy Spirit is the One Who seals us unto the day of redemption (Ephesians 1:13).  Part of regeneration is repentance from sin.  Romans 6:1,2 Acts  2:38 & 3:19 We are to repent and be converted.  We must be completely changed.  The Holy Spirit is the One Who converts us and changes us into a new creature in Christ Jesus.  The Greek word for the Holy Spirit is Pneuma meaning literally breath or wind.  At salvation, the Holy Spirit enters us and breathes into us life in Christ.  We must remember that the Holy Spirit is a person and part of the Trinity and thus is totally God.  So God has chosen to reside within His people.  “They shall be my people and I will be there God and dwell with them.”  According to R.A. Torrey we cannot get more of the Holy Spirit, but our thought should be “How can the Holy Spirit get more of me?”  We must humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord and yield to the Holy Spirit.  James 4:6-8


There is a four volume set of books published by Baker Books on the fundamentals and they go into much more detail than the above study.    The above 5 fundamentals are areas that someone must hold to be considered a Christian.   Denial of the fundamentals of the Christian faith is to deny the Truth of God’s Word.  Any and all teachings must be in line with the Word of God.  If any preaches another so-called gospel, then they are a false prophet and will be under the wrath of God on judgment day.


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