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Pointing out all the stupid and ironic things that I see!!


Yo everyone, I'm sorry for not updating much this summer, but I didn't have internet until last week. I'm in West Virginia now, and I'm waiting for August to come around so I can meet all my fellow graduate students and begin a great semester working on my new masters! I am really excited. However, in the meantime, I've decided that I should not spend my life playing games. I love games. Computer games and Playstation games really do kick ass. However, I cannot play games for two weeks straight... let ALONE for another month! I'll manage by finding something to do.

I wasn't able to work after my substitute job at A.L., becasue well, the temp agencies didn't have anything open, and I really couldn't get job at a fast food joint saying, "Hey, do you want to train me for 3 and 1/2 weeks?" I wouldn't be hirable. I'm in the same position here in W.V., since I won't be able to work during school in a month. So I'm having some cash issues in the meantime, which makes my ability to do things a little... cramped. None-the-less, I will be traveling around and having a great time and learning a lot and experiencing a lot once the end of August rolls around.

Perhaps my best stories lately come with my dealings with management at my new apartment complex. They don't like me. When people try to dick me over, I tend to not let them which pisses them off. Case in point:

Perhaps the most dumb thing they tried to do is get me to sign the condition of apartment sheet (the piece of paper where the tennent does a walkthrough of the apartment saying what is broke or not fixed so the tennent doesn't get charged or become responsible for damage he/she did not cause), WITHOUT ME HAVING SEEN THE APARTMENT!! I flat out told them, "I'm not signing that." The manager goes, "Why?" and I said, "Because what I'm signing says, 'tennant has examined the apartment and agrees to the above conditions.' I don't even know where the apartment is let alone seen the apartment... I haven't a clue about the condition of the apartment."

"But out head manager just walked through it."

"I'm not your head manager, and can't take her word for the conditions."

"Why are you being rude about this?" She actually called me rude for reading what I sign!! This lady is also the same person who flat out lied to me about the floor level of the apartments they had available, (she said they had ground floor... I get a phone call a couple weeks later saying that wasn't true) and lied to us while showing us the apartments about how many they actually had available, i.e. We only have one left... surprise! We found out there were at least 3. Needless to say, I don't trust the management and I'm not planning on getting my deposit back.

Maybe that will make a good cartoon!

Also, I found a nice interest calculator for people to run their numbers on their savings accounts or whatever else you want to calculate interest with. View it below!

Financial Calculator


Hey everyone, sorry about the lack of updates (as my friend Holly so obruptly pointed out). I had a great finish to the end of the graduate semester at Northwest, although, I'm a little disappointed about the IRB board still not getting around to my research proposal. Although, there might be a bennefit in me getting to do my orginial proposal without the full board review, which would be nice.

I started teaching speech at Abraham Lincoln High School, which is the high school I graduated from, for my old speech teacher, Jane Altman (formerlly Nelson) who has left on maternity leave. This month is going to be a blast. The students are incredibly nice, and I must say, their dedication and work ethic is much higher than my good friends from Albany. I have three honors speech classes, and three regular classes, but all are fun and nice.

I was asked to assist with the chess club, and I suprisingly heard my name on the announcements. Today is an easy day because the couselors are coming in to talk to the students about registering for the next years classes.

I'm excited that I have a couple of friends in town, Derrek and Drew are working and Eimile will be coming back from her long excursion in foriegn lands. It seems just as I have a couple people who might be available to do things with, I will be leaving for a seperate part of the country.

Speaking of moving, I appear to be leaving the week of July 4th, as this will be the weekend my parents were planning on going to West Virginia for vacation anyways. I need to make a trip to West Virginia to find a place to live. If anyone wants to go there at the beggining of June, let me know. I need to book tickets here soon!

My Royals blow. While you can see there is talent, this talent is inexperienced. They tend to blow a lot of games on stupid things, like a baseball in a routine throw to first base ends up becoming a souvenir to a lucky fan.

Anyways, everyday I have a break about 12:30. I really would love to see some of your e-mails. Please e-mail me!!


I got back from AFA Nationals today. Perhaps this tournament was the last forensic tournament, high school or collegiate. While I'd still like to be involved, I think I'm okay with not being involved with forensics. I'm really excited to start a new aspect of my life. I met a head honcho from Doc. Roy's publishing company who said how wonderful West Virginia is.


Well everyone, it is official! I finally know what I am doing in the fall! I have been accepted to West Virginia University's graduate school of communication, and I was offered a teaching assistant position where they are not only going to pay me.. ME to attend!! How exciting is that!? This school is prestigious in the field, and I strongly believe I will be able to learn a lot and be challenged when I attend.

I will be responsible for two sections of classes (I'm not sure what "responsible" entails), 8 hours of office hours, and I think being a professor's slave. However, I think the time should be fun. Most of all, I'm going to be able to experience life outside the middle of the country. I'll be 45 minutes south Pittsburg, and a couple of hours from Washington D.C.

I know I'm passing up some good teaching jobs, however, I think a high quality free education that pays me with a new living enviornment is going to be perfect for me. I mean, I can not pass this opportunity up!!

So I will either be in West Virginia or Council Bluffs for the summer. If I'm in Iowa, I'm going to buy O. Royals season tickets. If I'm in W.V... I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm sure I'll do something! In any case, I'll atleast be in CB to substitute for Jane Altman (formerly Nelson), the speech teacher at A.L. as she goes on her maternity leave in May. I'll be back in the Omaha metro for one last stand in less than 30 days! Until then...


Financial Calculator

Check out the rest of the site for updates.


Springfield Instructional Services

Springfield Instructional Services

Springfield Instructional Services

Springfield Instructional Services

Springfield Instructional Services

Springfield Instructional Services

See a picture of me
See a picture of me in 30 years!

Thank you please drive through, and have a nice day!!