Since the coming of other peoples on this continent the blood of the American Indians have been mixed and scattered among many nations. For many of us the spirit of our American Indian lineage beckons us to seek and to learn who we are. If we have not hardened our hearts we will eventually follow that spirit. This is what has brought me to this point in time. There are many of us who find ourselves in a rather peculiar situation. While we seek to walk a Traditional Path we are often shunned or spurned by both the Indian and the Non-Indian because of their particular prejudices. From my experience, only a person who has been strongly led by the spirit would declare themselves an American Indian if they in fact appeared to be a white person. Even in the face of this prejudice we feel the need to follow our heart and the spirit that guides us to gather together.


Our challenge is to come from the materialistic lifestyle and science that most of us have been brought up in to a lifestyle that is exactly opposite.  This is not "NEW AGE". This is not a SOCIAL CLUB nor a HOBBY this is an ancient and sacred way of life, a way to walk with our Earth Mother and our Creator. Each person must be completely dedicated to this end.

It is with this in mind that this work has come to this point that we may come together and organize ourselves into a Nation from Nations, a people that share a the same ancient teachings and the same ancient lineage.


This Constitution, Law, and Covenants comes from years of study and prayer. It  blends and embraces the Creator granted inalienable rights and righteous principles of government that guarantee peoples freedom. It has been adapted from the Iroquois Law of the Great Peace and their Confederacy, The Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution for the United States (up to, but not including the thirteenth amendment ). Secured within, the law is inviolate and supreme. The law, Constitution, and Covenants can only be changed by the agreed voice from ALL THE PEOPLE. Here the people who refuse to live in accordance with the Constitution, Law, or Covenants are ejected from the society. In this way The Constitution, Law, and Covenants remains as they were intended, to maintain a free people, and In this way we stand apart from the rest of the world. The Constitution, Law, and Covenants although containing some principles and language from the other documents mentioned, comes mainly from The Law of The Great Peace which is the Traditional Iroquois government.

Patriarchal/Matriarchal Order

We are a Patriarchal/ Matriarchal society. where each gender, side by side, can best serve the Nation. The men lead, but Mothers have the power to choose the male leadership, or unseat unrighteous ones. The Mothers are given great responsibility Because they give birth to the children and have much closer ties to them than the men have. The children are the future of the PEOPLE and must be protected from unrighteous, wicked, and conspiring leaders.  


Our Names

 SAME'NAQWASE'NOM (Pronounced Saw-Me-Naw-Qua See-Nomb) which means UNITED PEOPLES has come from the Hopi Traditional Leaders through White Eagle Nield. The name AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH (Pronounced ARE-E (roll the r) NEW WERE NA KNEE MUP (spoken throught the nose) ZAH NOCK (regular speach)) is translated as THE PEOPLES LAW OF PEACE and comes from the Shoshone through Harrison Shyo Sr. a Shoshone tribal elder and Joyce Posey a Shoshone linguist. By accepting SAME'NAQWASE'NOM and AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH as names of our own, we show all people that we come from many nations.



The Constitution

The Law

The Covenants of the People Including The Peoples Creed

Overview of Organization,



Because we come from many nations we respect and hold sacred the traditions and languages from all aboriginal cultures. 

To give the reader some idea of the change in heart that must take place in each and every one of us that embrace AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH I have taken the liberty of writing four that come out of common courtesy and common sense. 

When having group meals in our gatherings the children should have the responsibility of serving the elders (Grandparents) of the Band. After the elders have been served the younger generations should be fed. Then on up in age to the others. This will insure that the aged and the young have food in hard times, the rest of us can fast if necessary.

When the Mothers gather to select the First Council Mothers, or the Nation, Tribe, Band, Star, Clan, and specific Clan Mothers (such as Bear, Wolf, Turtle etc.) or the Male leadership they should come with fasting and prayer. The men and young children should make a wide ring around them, but away from the Mothers meeting. They should also come in fasting and prayer, with drumming and singing. All voices should be begging the Creator to be present so that good and true leaders will be chosen to lead the people. Those persons who feel that they should be considered for a position of leadership or wish to submit the name of another are granted the opportunity to express their desires to the Mothers Council.

Leaders are selected from the people who have shown special talents and a willingness to give of themselves both spiritually and temporally and place the people first. In truth Leaders should be Servants of the people.

When gathering anything from the earth for our use, we first offer a prayer of Thanksgiving and ask permission from the Creator to gather expressing why we need to take of the abundance that He has granted us. Then we ask of the thing that we are gathering if we may utilize of its bounty, giving something to the earth to show that we understand that all life is a great circle and we are only a part of the circle.

There is no way for me to write out all the traditions and customs that I think we should have nor would it be right for me to do so. We will establish our traditions and customs as time goes by. Some will just come and others  should be approved through the decisions of the Clan Mothers and Councils. Some of these may include Ceremonies, emblems of position, manner of Traditional dress, dwellings etc...

A Peoples Government

The emphasis of the government is self government through righteous principles and sacred covenants. This government is based upon each individual participating in that capacity that they are chosen for. To refuse to participate if chosen as a leader, is certainly allowed however, it is a decision that must be made with great caution and care because the foundation of the government is individual involvement. AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH has three main components; the male line through Chiefs, the female line through the Mothers Councils, and the Clans as extended families act as foundation for the whole.

It is imperative that all people be informed and involved in all decisions. The peoples voice must always be heard. Our differences shall be settled through the Councils within AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH or the Peoples Law of Peace.


No one is held above another although someone may have a position of great responsibility all are the same. Each leader is unpaid and is responsible to feed and cloth their respective family.


There will be no taxation of the people as there is no centralized economy. Needs are met;

#1.Through trust in the Creator that he will provide all things that we may use for our benefit.

#2. Our own work to grow food or to gather.

#3. Barter or gifts from others.


The basis for all contracts between individuals is the meeting of the minds and their word to one another. A persons word is absolutely binding, and agreements should be made with great care and in the presence of at least two others.

The Role of the Clan

Clans play a major role in this society and act as a large extended family unit. In most societies today the family unit has been diminished to a very basic state. Where once a Mother and Father headed a home and Grandparents were readily available, now the rule seems to be one Parent families. From this the world is plagued with many social ills including Spouse, Child and Elderly Parent abuse. By restoring a major extended family parents have someone to fall back on for assistance in raising the children or taking care of the aged or afflicted. After all are we not all brothers and sisters.

Synopsis of Organization

The Nation is organized with the extended family in mind. As the basis of the Nation is the family; families are organized into Circles of ten families, all the families in the Circle should be, but not always will be, of the same Clan and thus becomes the extended family.  Five Circles or 50 families  are organized into a Star. Three Stars or 150 families are organized into a Hoop, and three Hoops or 450 families represent one of the twelve Clans in a Band. So there are 5400 families in a Band. Twelve Bands in a Tribe, and twelve Tribes in each Nation. The Samenaqwase'nom Nation consists of all Nations organized under the Tree of Peace.


Because a person determines their Clan through personal direct revelation from the Creator the people of the same Clan, although they may come from a different Band, Tribe, or Nation should naturally be drawn together. The spirit of personal revelation makes them a family. Totems, Animal Spirit Guides also come through personal revelations and should be treated with respect.


Other peoples coming to us are encouraged to join us. If they do not wish to do so they are free to go their way in peace. 

Defending Ourselves

If there is a threat to the people that cannot be dealt with through peaceful means, we will defend ourselves, our families, and our liberty.

Our Hope for World Peace

It is our hope and prayer that AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH (The Peoples Law of Peace) will come to cover the earth and bring all people to peace.

Aho, All My Relations

Talking Turtle

November 7, 1996


This work is dedicated to all those that will be guided by the Spirit of Truth and embrace AHRRE NEW-WERE-NA NE-MUP ZA-NACH, or the Peoples Law of Peace, and to all future generations from this ancient lineage yet unborn.


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