Archbishopric of Riga

Henning Scharpenberg, 1424-1448

Scharpenberg, family shield

The first coins, struck after the monetary reform of the Livonia Confederation in 1422-1426 were scherfs and schillings. They were not dated, but can be recognized by the family shield of Scharpenberg and his name in legend.
Mint: Riga.

SCHERF (Bracteate)

Scherf, ND
Data: Ag, 0.24 g, 12.0 mm
Description: The lily in center, radial lines around.
Coinage: ND(1424-1448)
References: Hal/97.410
Notes: It is a question: was this bracteate struck by Henning Scharpenberg or Riga domcapital? Both authorities had similar coat of arms - lily. My opinion is, that it is struck by Riga domcapital just after the monetary reform of the Livonia Confederation. Scharpenberg's lily had a different shape.


Schilling, ND
Data: Ag, 1.11-1.13 g, 19.5-20.0 mm
Description: Obv: Facing bust of Henning Scharpenberg.
Legend around: *HENIGVS*ARCHEPE
Rev: Crossed cross and sceptre, lilly below.
Legend around: :MONETA:RIGENSIS
Coinage: ND(1424-1448)
References: Hal/97.409; Fed.343
Notes: At least 3 legend and detail varieties known.

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