The Coinage of Poland in Riga

Sigismund III Vasa, 1587-1632

During the reign of Sigismund III Vasa, Riga mint released coins of different denominations. The most common were schillings. During the Polish-Swedish War their weight was reducing with every year, especially since 1617. In separate years, golden ducats and 10 ducats were struck as well.

At this time there were 2 mintmasters, working in Riga mint. Their mintmarks were present on all the coins struck in Riga mint.

Lily, the sign of mintmaster Heinrich Wulf.

Fox, the sign of mintmaster Otto Mepe.

Both mintmarks are enlarged from the schillings below. line


Schilling, 1596Schilling, 1617
Data: Billon, 0.68-1.14 g, 17.0-19.0 mm
Description: Obv: Shield on crowned S (monogram of Sigismund III Vasa).
Legend around: SIG:III.D:G:REX.PO:D:LI.
Rev: The small coat of arms of Riga within ornamented shield.
Legend around: *SOLIDVSxCIVIxRIGENSx96
Coinage: 1588-1622
References: Gum.1431; Fed.658, 660, 662, 664, 667, 669, 672, 674, 676, 679, 681, 684, 686-690, 692-702, 704, 705, 708, 709, 712, 716, 717, 719-721; KM.5
Note: Legend punctuation and abbreviation varieties exist. Both coins illustrates the reduction of weight and size during the Polish-Swedish War. The left coin (1596) was struck before the war, the right coin (1617) was struck already at the end of the war. The coins dated 1622, could be struck under the reign of Sweden.


Grossus, 1616
Data: Billon, 1.05-1.20 g, 17.5-18.0 mm
Description: Obv: The crowned coat of arms of Poland & Lithuania.
Legend around: SIG.III.D.G.REX.POL.M.D.
Rev: 2 digit date divided by the orb (digits 24 in center) with highly raised cross above. The small coat of arms below.
Legend around: GROS.ARGE N.CIVI.RIG.*
Coinage: 1616, 1617
References: Fed.703, 706; KM.7


Dreipolcher, 1620
Data: Billon, 1.08-1.23 g, 18.0-18.5 mm
Description: Obv: The crowned coat of arms of Poland & Lithuania. Value 3 below.
Legend around: SIG.III.D.G REX.P.M.D.
Rev: 2 digit date divided by the orb (digits 24 in center) with highly raised cross above. The small coat of arms below.
Legend around: *MONE.NOV:CIVI.RIGE:*
Coinage: 1620, 1624
References: Fed.713; KM.8
Note: The coins dated 1624, could be struck under the reign of Sweden.


Type I

3 Grossus, 1588
Data: Ag, 2.34-2.51 g, 21.8-22.1 mm
Description: Obv: Crowned bust of Sigismund III Vasa left. Portrait without a large beard.
Legend around: SIG:III.D:G.REXxPO:D:LIx
Rev: The big coat of arms of Riga.
Legend in 6 lines: +III+/.15 88./GR OS/ARG:TRIP/.CIVI:RI/.GE.*.
Coinage: 1588-1589
References: Fed.657, 659
Note: Legend punctuation and abbreviation varieties exist.

Type II

3 Grossus, 1595
Data: Ag, 2.34-2.51 g, 21.0-22.6 mm
Description: Obv: Crowned bust of Sigismund III Vasa left. Portrait with a large beard.
Legend around: SIGxIIIxDxG:REX.PO:D:LI
Rev: The big coat of arms of Riga.
Legend in 6 lines: xIIIx/15 95/GR OS/ARG.TRIP/CIVIxRI/xGE*
Coinage: 1590-1601, 1603, 1619
References: Gum.1450-1454; Fed.661, 663, 666, 668, 671, 673, 675, 678, 680, 683, 685, 711; KM.14
Note: Legend punctuation and abbreviation varieties exist.


Ducat, 1597
Data: Au, 3.54 g, 22.0 mm
Description: Obv: Crowned bust of Stephan Bathory left.
Legend around: SIGIS.III.D.G:REX.PO.M.D.LI.
Rev: The big coat of arms of Riga, supported by standing lions at each side.
Coinage: 1588, 1594, 1597, 1599, 1619
References: Fed.656, 670, 677, 682, 710
Note: Ducat of 1588 struck in Vilnius. Portrait and legend abbreviation/punctuation varieties exist.


10 Ducats, 1597
Data: Au, 33.04 g, 41.0 mm
Description: Obv: Sigismund III Vasa standing half-left with sceptre in right hand.
Rev: The big coat of arms of Riga, supported by standing lions at each side. Date 15 92 below.
Coinage: 1592
References: Fed.665

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