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The Unseen Beast
by Drea
Rover loved his evening walks, but this one was going to be more than he bargained for.
It started out normally; Rover was wagging his tail and panting happily as we walked down the street. Woods surrounded us on both sides, so it was cool, but pleasant. Clouds were starting to cover the bright, full moon, so I decided to turn around and head home before it got too dark.
As we turned around, I heard leaves crackling to our left. I spun around, but there was nothing except silence in the dark, haunting woods.
"It must have just been a squirrel," I said to myself, only half-believing it as we continued on our way.
Again, I heard the crunch of the leaves. There was no mistaking it this time, for even Rover stopped and perked his ears.
We started to walk faster, and my grip on the leash became stronger, but the pops and snaps continued to follow us down the endless street.
Rover stopped suddenly and stared into the darkness with the most terrified expression I have ever seen.
"Come on boy," I urged, and with a slight tug on the leash he began to follow me. "Good dog."
I bent down to pet him, and as my hand brushed Rover's head, he darted off into the woods. I guessed he saw a squirrel or rabbit and was chasing after it, and that his game would be over soon, so I stood at the side of the road and began to call him.
I could still hear Rover's feet patting along the ground, but I had lost sight of him. I called his name over and over, but he didn't return. Soon, all I could hear was the crickets chirping and the owls hooting as if to warn me of danger.
"Rover! Here boy!" I whispered, subconciously frightened that if I was too loud, I would wake some horrible forest beast.
I said it again, and this time my words were followed by Rover's sorrowful and pleading whine. I tried to walk towards his voice, but every time I thought I had almost found him, his barks would seem to be coming from far behind me.
"Rover, get over here!" I screamed, deeply frustrated by what I though was his game. Then, he let out a scream of pain, and the barking stopped.
I was getting really scared, so I decided to leave the woods and go home. I'd have to look for Rover in the morning. It was pitch black now anyway, so there was no way I could find him that night.
As I began to run in the direction that I hoped wa the way out, I realized that the crickets were not chirping. No more owls called from the distance. It was as if they were trying to warn me to get out as soon as possible.
All that mattered to me now was finding a way out of the woods, and being safe in my home again.
The moon shone brightly now, and in a long, thing path on the ground, almost as if it was trying to give me a path to follow to escape. I had no choice but to follow it in hopes that it would give me an exit, because there was no telling what was behind the dark shadows of the night.
I had been wandering for quite some time when I thought a saw a road ahead of me. I looked closer....yes, it was! Right beyond the trees!
I ran like a madman; I was so relieved to have found some hint of civilization.
Out of nowhere, my foot hit something soft on the ground and I went flying through the air. My leg was most likely broken in the fall, and I hit my head on a rock and cried out in pain as I turned to see what I had tripped on.
Rover lay on the ground, his eyes closed. His body was twitching and he yelped repeatedly as if he was having a bad dream.
I whispered his name and his eyes snapped open as he jumped to his feet.
We stared at each other for a long time. Well, at least I though it was me he was staring at. But I realize now that it had been some creature, some being invisible to me, that his eyes were focused on.
He started to growl. It was just a low rumble at first, barley audible, but it grew louder and louder until it was a harsh, menacing noise that I had never known before.
My dog leaped towards me and was caught in mid-air, clawing and thrashing, sinking his teeth into....whatever was between us.
I could do nothing but stare in disbelief at his battle. I really though he was insane until I saw the cuts rip into his skin. It was as if a wolf had sunk his claws into Rover, only there was no visible creature attacking him. I watched in horror as more and more of these biting marks appeared, each time causing Rover to yelp and bite at the air.
I wanted to help, but how could I fight off an attacker that I couldn't even see?
Suddenly, my dog went limp and fell to the forest floor with a thud that echoed through the trees. The battle was over, and the beast had won. I stood there forever, wondering what this creature was. IF it was. I tried to turn around, but my legs were frozen. I attempted to run, but my body wouldn't cooperate. I could do nothing except stand there, staring at the dead, mutilated body of what had once been my dog.
Now I am alone. At least, to most people it would seem like I am alone. However, I can hear the heavy breathing chanting down my back. Only I could possibly know that there is an unknown creature hovering over me, waiting for the perfect time to pounce. My leg is throbbing too much for me to stand, and I am afraid that the moment I make a move or a sound, it will all be over. But I cannot just sit here forever. I cannot wait any longer. Knowing my time has come, I turn slowly and prepare for the inevitable attack, ready to face the invisible monster that will show me to my grave.