Sonnets in C-mid

   Meet a C-midder ?

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India

It's Joka, Calcutta. Street lights glimmer
Through cooling air. At the bb court -
Land of T&R, site of many a sport -
Continues the basket-ballet. In the shimmer
Of lights across the lake,
The trees beyond make
Misty shapes. Midnight or even after
From the jetty come sounds of laughter.
Thoughts waft in the breeze. I'm reminded
Of songs beside a festive bonfire,
Of philosophical abstract long-winded
Discussions in O.H., at the Tyre,
Of halloos in the Mess ...
A two-year party, no less !

Oh! There were occasional presentations,
Project reports, mid-terms,
Crashers at end-terms,
But they were just temporary distractions
From the real things in life.
For some, finding a wife;
For some, flowing booze was the stuff;
For the rest, plain halloo was enough.
Standing at the Bridge, I wonder :
Was it a waste ? Did I learn ?
Later in life, will I flounder-blunder?
...  And how much will I earn ?
There's just one thing I know for sure :
My friendships here will endure.

With apologies to Vikram Seth

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India
After the four years at IITK, this was a party.
This two-year party had to end someday,
and most of us - after two years of intensive (!) management training -
ended up as management trainees.

Meet a C-midder   
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