
The Youth Ministers' Lounge

A place to gain fresh insight and find the best resources to enhance your youth program

Inside the Lounge, you will find many resources to use that will help you to increase the success of your youth ministry. Also, there is the "Lounge Talk Den" section in which we can discuss issues and methods, and propose new ideas and solutions to the growing science of youth ministry. Come inside and have some coffee. Enjoy the Reading Rooms and talk for a while. The Reading Rooms have the best resources and information for today's youth programs, and the most updated schedule of events and fellowship opportunities for you to enjoy. For example, the "Concert Stage" contains great information about Christian artist and record companies. Choose from a range of Alternative to Adult Contemporary music, and the record labels that produce them, such as Tooth and Nail, or ForeFront. The "Youth Ministers Mall" contains excellent resources and books, while the "Ministry Equiptment Depot" places the best information about methods, philosopies and theology right in your hand. Then, have a seat in the "Lounge Talk Den", and discuss with other youth ministers and leaders that come in the den different current issues and questions facing the youth culture and the church. Each week, a new question will be asked, and you can respond for everyone to see and consider. The responses will be posted in the "Lounge Talk Den" for all of us to learn from and teach each other. So come on in and enjoy. The coffe is hot and the discussion is heavy. Spread the word of our grand opening, and bookmark the Lounge for easy travel. Come to a place where everybody knows your name... The Youth Ministers' Lounge is your place to get away and refresh your ministry program in your area.

Select A Room And Have A Seat

The Concert Stage

Youth Ministers' Mall

Ministry Equiptment Depot

Ministry Education

Lounge Talk Den

created on February 16, 1999 Kparham1@aol.com

Enjoy your visit to the Youth Ministers' Lounge, and bring some friends next time!

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