In a dark and private place
I invalidate my space
and end up slowly sinking
in the thoughts I have been thinking
feeling separated from the human race

I weave a web of doom
to complement my gloom
as I sit among the tatters
of a life that hardly matters
in the cobwebs of this silent empty room 

I blindly reach for hope
but find I cannot cope
with the fear that too much yearning
will become an aching burning
and I'll lose my grip on the rope

I long for something good
but I don't know if I should
when my life serves to remind me
that no one can really find me;
am I foolish to believe that someone could? 

Today I sharply feel the cold
of a life that's growing old
yet I yearn for love to give and receive,
I long to trust, to hope and believe,
to dare to be that strong and bold.

The hope has never slipped away,
it simply wanes from day to day
as this weak one tries hard to be strong
to find what's right in a world of wrong
and feel the love along the way.


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