Finding yourself
 All your life
 you've reached out
 only to find nothing
 of substance
 in your grasp
 while unclasping
 hopeful hands
 Grew up too fast
 a childhood lost
 an innocence unknown
 no truth, no trust
 no stability
 no loving light
 to guide your way.
 The things you lacked
 were things you never
 knew you needed
 You've searched
 and come up empty
 time and time again
 filling the spaces
 with whatever was there
 But nothing could fill
 that hole inside you
 that empty, aching void
 that silently, helplessly
 cried out for something
 to avoid the nothing
 that loomed inside.
 You're older now,
 sometimes wiser
 you know more truths,
 you know more lies,
 but most of all,
 you know more questions,
 and fewer answers.
 You walk with others,
 yet you are alone
 invisible by design
 no love, no hate
 the dullness comforts
 and torments you
 at the same time.
 But deep inside you
 some part of you
 they never got to,
 still struggles to be
 and reminds you
 that maybe, just maybe
 there is hope here.
 Hope to feel that life
 is more than breathing
 that love is more than
 passion mixed with pain,
 that you are more
 than a hollow heart
 and an aching void.
 No heart is hollow
 that cares like yours,
 no life is empty
 that touches others,
 no void is unfillable
 when it can be touched
 by someone who cares.
 There is life in you,
 my cynical friend
 you hide from it,
 yet you long for it
 and I will stand by you
 while you unlock it
 and throw away the key.


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