Ok, I’m going to go off on a nut here.........
      What’s up with the government and the media and all their double standards regarding racial issues? I think affirmative action discriminates against white people. It’s not about equality at all anymore, it’s about preferential treatment towards less qualified candidates. The media destroyed David duke for pioneering the national association for the advancement of white people… talk about keeping a brotha down. sheesh. he was labeled as some sort of hate monger. Is there anything morally wrong with being a separatist or a supremist for that matter? I mean I’m all for equal rights for minorities, women, handicapped etc.. but fuck! Young single white males seem to be getting the fucking shaft because of it. there’s a grocery list of examples I can list that are double standards in America. can you just imagine the white miss America pageant, white entertainment television, united Aryan college fund or even ivory magizine? I’m not saying that there isn’t programs geared towards white people but shit! It’s not as though they are allowed to so blatantly boast the exclusion of minority groups. And it doesn’t matter how you “color it”, Lewis Farrakhan is a black supremacist racist and he gets respect from the media solely on the color of his skin. Jesus Christ, it has gotten to the point where a African American tries to arrest another African American who resists arrest, the suspect dies do to excessive force, and than you have rev. Jesse Jackson flying a crossed the country to organize a “hate rally”. Bitching about how the shoplifter would still be alive and gone undetected if it wasn’t for those pesky statistics the store based thier theft recovery policy on. Sort of switches the blame from shoplifting, resisting arrest and excessive force to the question of how he was detected shoplifting to begin with. Talk about stirring racial hatred. And let us not forget the thugs that were expelled from school for starting a violent riot at a school football game. Uhmm… they were black so here comes Jesse. Where the fuck does this shit end? is his objective to create a racially based anarchist society where as African Americans are not held responsible for their actions? The way I see it, the problem is that every race of people constantly reinforce their stereotypical nature. as an example, when African American people start moving into a apartment complex or residential
community the non-African American people start moving out. Why do you suppose that is? Is it because of bigotry? Am I a racist because I don’t care for loud arrogant people, loud “thumpin” music, higher crime rates followed by declining property values?          yes?        no?
       And don’t even attempt to argue that fact that not all African Americans are stereotypical, I realize I’m painting a broad stroke. And while am at it, why is it that anything positive that is associated with a race is warmly embraced I.E. genetic strength, agility, coordination, anatomically gifted, the natural ability of self expression Yet, anything
negative that can be said automatically labels one as a racist? Everyone is just so damn afraid of voicing their honest opinion concerning racial topics that your clergymen, therapist and even your family members reluctant to give you their honest opinion because they might be viewed as a narrow minded fucking racist. Well, I’m white and proud of that fact. I refuse to be brainwashed by the politically correct and if that makes me a racist then so be it. gotta go to my sensitivity training classes now ~ Mike
this world rejects me
this world threw me away
this world never gave me a chance
this world gonna have to pay

i don't believe in your institutions
i did what you wanted me to
i'm like the cancer in the system
i've got a little suprise for you

something inside of me has opened up its eyes
why did you put it there? did you not realize?
this thing inside of me it screams the loudest sound
sometimes i think i could



i look down at where you're standing
flock of sheep out on display
with your lives bumped up around you
i can take it all away

something inside of me has opened up its eyes
why did you put it there? did you not realize?
this thing inside of me it screams the loudest sound
sometimes i think i could

i'm gonna burn this whole world down
i'm gonna burn this whole world down

                      (i never was a part of you)
                      (i never was a part of you)
                      (i never was a part of you)
                      (i never was a part of you)
                      (i never was a part of you)
                      (i never was a part of you)
                      (i never was a part of you)
                      (i never was a part of you)
i am the soldier      (i never was a part of you)
i am corruption       (i never was a part of you)
i am the angel        (i never was a part of you)
of your destruction   (i never was a part of you)
i am perversion       (i never was a part of you)
secret desire         (i never was a part of you)
i am your future      (i never was a part of you)
swallowed up in fire  (i never was a part of you)
Louis Farrakhan recently reaffirmed his belief that white people were created by a black scientist thousands of years ago. And .....that blacks should not pay taxes.
that all followers of the Islamic faith should be released from prison... and that at some point in the future ..a space ship will arrive and rain devastation on all white people.
Now tell me.... who is the racist here? I didn’t make this stuff up.
First of all...if white people were created by a black scientist...then any inequalities ..perceived or real..are the fault of the black man. There can be no other rational view.
But let’s not tether all blacks to this wildly irrational view of our beginnings..after all the million man march was more like 400,000. And Louis Farrakhan certainly does not speak for most blacks.
As far as blacks not paying taxes..I’ll only say that whites pay the bulk of taxes as it is..but I agree that taxes are far too high,... for both blacks and whites. We need to get together on this issue and smoke these tax and spend liberals. The liberal democrats are
at the core of every tax problem.
As far as releasing all prisoners of the Islamic faith from prison.....
no thoughtful person would want the wholesale release of criminals of any faith or persuasion. Criminals are criminals..whether they be white, black or from Mars.
If a guy were crawling through your window at three in the morning, I doubt that you’d question his religious affiliation before popping him in the head.
And finally, this is what Farrakhan is all about... what he ultimately looks forward to..and teaches his followers....
That a space ship will some day appear on earth to rain devastation on all white people. Imagine the kind of deep rooted hatred for whites that this man harbors and teaches his followers. But you and me,..because we’re white.... are the racists.
And where is the news media with this story? The same media that would pounce on any white on black issue of racism and milk it for weeks, if not months.
We’re at a time in American history where it’s almost a crime to be a white man.
Affirmative action. Two dirty little words that may be keeping you from finding work in this..the country in which you we’re born.
Your ancestors we’re rotten white people ...and therefore we need to first give available jobs to minorities. That is the position your government has taken against you. It’s called affirmative action..and it does exactly what it is designed to do...screw the dirty no good white man.
What affirmative action means is that you as a qualified white man, an American citizen all your life, with hungry kids at home...should step aside and let someone who is black...Mexican... or whatever...take the job based on the fact that you are white and they are not.
What this amounts to pure and simple is that the government is sanctioning, regulating and approving discrimination against white people.
And you can’t really blame the minority who wants a job and has the upper hand given to him...what should he say...no that's all right put me at the bottom of the list?
The real problem is the guilt ridden liberal white politicians that let this tragedy happen in the first place. We we’re originally sold out by white politicians seeking to appease
these minority groups.
But that's what happens when you continue to cast your vote for democrats. They screw you every time and you eat it up like cotton candy.
Now understand something right off the bat here, I am not a racist, I am a realist. And the reality as I see it, is that one of the only reasons many blacks vote Democratic, is because of the welfare check. That’s certainly true for many whites also, but it’s like a moral code among blacks.
And one thing that is exclusive to the bulk of the black community, is that they cannot think for themselves. And I’m not saying they can’t think because they’re stupid, they can’t think because they’re intimidated. You must think as the racist leaders of the black community think, or you are an Uncle Tom. Now that might piss some of you black people off, but can you deny the truthfulness of that statement? No you cannot.
Blacks and whites agree on much more than might ever be acknowledged publicly, but when you have loud abrasive militant blacks entrenched in positions of leadership, stomping on any black that has another opinion, you have a totalitarian black state.Now you can prove me wrong, by naming for me just one, all black Democratic society or country. Case closed.
Black history month. I guess Black History day, or long weekend even, was out of the question.
Now I love black people, I’ve got black friends, but why a whole month? I’ll tell you why. Because it’s perfectly fine in this society to celebrate all things black. Blacks are placed in a position of superiority, by the White men of the Democratic party. That’s a clear matter of documented fact. Affirmative Action and so many other racist concepts, we’re nurtured by white Democrats.
And celebrating Black History month, is not so out of line I guess, when you look at all they have to celebrate. There’s Miss Black America, Black Entertainment TV, the ALL Black Music Awards, the Conference of Black Mayors, the Black Congressional Caucus, there’s more black than you can take in. And all of it is clearly racism at it’s worst.
Imagine for one minute, the all white anything. There would immediately be an outcry, a protest, and the subsequent filing of a freaking lawsuit
There is a myth that the Democrats are for the working people and the Republicans are for the rich. It was a lie when it was first told, and it’s a lie today.
But the Democrats are indeed for the militant feminists, who think men are on equal footing with animals.
The Democrats are for the militant homosexuals who are in your face with their lifestyle.
They are for the welfare recipient, not out of concern, but in order to keep a shackled voting block.
And they attract 99% of the Black population because blacks are corralled by their own leaders into the Democratic pen.
Like cattle, blacks are intellectually herded by their own leaders who are in bed with the white Democrats, vicariously keeping the black population in line.