Minor Bitches I have with Society

The Truth about Moralism
  1. In order to find any sense of security in their convictions, a moralist by definition must constantly point out the immorality of others.
  2. It is quite easy for the moralist to excuse their own immoral behavior as long as they are busy finding it in others.
  3. It is also indicative of the moralist to point out the immoralities of others because they often wish they were uninhibited enough to be doing those things too.
  4. To truly live a moral life one must constantly practice a return to their inner sense of doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do regardless of the potential punishments or rewards for doing so; and most certainly not to care what others are thinking or doing.

-J.S. Brown

We have an alarming problem in this country of taking ourselves far too seriously. We need to take a couple of steps back and stop worrying about what color our skin is, what differences we have in our cultures, and what society thinks of us. When all is said and done, our blood is the same color, genetically we are virtually indistinguishable from one another, and we were all born on the same planet. It seems that we have built up reasons to remain apart when we should be coming together. This is most distressing to me.

Why are people so self centered and thoughtless that they would weave in and out of traffic on a busy highway without using their turn signals? Has this law changed about signaling for movement or a turn? And what ever happened to the idea that headlights help other cars see each other as well as assist the driver in seeing the road? When reckless drivers are on the roads, they are not just playing with their lives, they are toying with yours and mine too. I don't want to be around when they make one wrong move too many, do you? If you are one of those numnuts out on the road making the highways unsafe, get your act together, look around you and smell the coffee, you don't own the road, you have to share it with the rest of us. When I see someone pulled over by the police, I always feel a little sorry for them for "getting caught," then I always hope the people I see pulled over by the police are the jagoffs who are doing the weaving and not signalling. Then I don't have to have any sympathy for them.

What is wrong with the "war on drugs" is that it has been turned into a black market profit machine, both sides are profiting from it in the same way that the Soviet Union and the United States did back in the 1950's from the buildup and proliferation of arms and defense spending. Instead of concentrating on stopping the flow of illegal drugs, we should concentrate our energies on creating a smarter citizen, who won't be prone to abusing drugs. I am willing to bet there are more safe users of drugs than there are junkies, and yet both of them are considered the worst sort of felon by law enforcement officials and politicians. Cut the rug out from under the market and plunge the third world countries that are making all their money from drug trafficking into a tailspin. Legalize drugs, tax them, use the money to pay teachers what they are worth rather than try to bust a handful of smack dealers who will be replaced as quickly as they are put away.

Some People are revolted and disgusted by the idea of religions that demand animal sacrifice, worship trees and nature, or require their participants to worship in the nude. I think it is more disgusting that people would want to bow before the image of a man being slaughtered on a cross. I guess opinions will vary.

Why are gun laws targeted at the citizens who legally own and use firearms? The guns that police and politicians should really be after are the illegal ones that flow in undetected. Most likely this one is because politicians need to look effective at being "hard on guns" or "protecting the citizens from wonton violence". BULLSHIT! The guns that are doing most of the killing in this country aren't registered, they don't even have serial numbers. All you weepy eyed victims and family members of gun victims who call for tougher laws, realize that the laws aren't going to help unless there is a reason for people to not have guns. Once again, create a smarter citizen, and you eliminate much of the problem.

What is the deal with prostitution? Acclaimed Science-Fiction author, Robert A. Heinlein had it right when he said a whore should be judged on her professionalism, not her morals. Does she give good measure; is she worth the price of admission? Compare her to any other professional out there making a buck the hard way instead of taking her livelihood away with moronic laws that do nothing but overwhelm the courts. Legalize prostitution, tax it, and require those who participate in prostitution to undergo thorough examinations and attend classes where they learn what can happen if they aren't careful, and give them the opportunity to get into some other field if they so choose. This is a better idea than the current policy.

A kid takes a knife off of another kid who is suicidal and turns it in to his teacher; he's suspended for a year. A girl gives her friend some over-the-counter PMS medication so she can concentrate better on her studies; she's nailed for the school's zero tolerance drug policy. A girl has an inert marijuana seed embedded in a plastic pen and is suspended for her school's zero tolerance policy. A young boy in elementary school has a plastic hatchet on his Halloween costume and he's suspended for several days for violation of his school district's weapons policy (he was dressed as a fireman) What's up with zero tolerance policies that end up hurting the innocent as well as the guilty? This is ludicrous. Inflexibility and special circumstances should be built into any sort of policy, you can't cover every situation with one rule and expect it to work. Human beings are variables; they change things as they go, change is what makes us great; this means that there are special circumstances where a zero tolerance policy shouldn't apply, either this or the zero tolerance policy should be removed and a situation where a board review should be put in its place.

I'm probably not the first one to say this, but the whole abortion issue is silly. If you don't believe in abortion, don't get one. If you do believe in abortion, it's an option, not an excuse to be promiscuous beyond all hope or reason. Abortion should be a last resort, not a regular method of birth control. Deciding on whether it is murder or not is up to the personal ethics of the parents, and is nobody else's damn business. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you take sides folks.

© 1997-2000 J. S. Brown

If you have a comment, or you want to disagree, Email Me and we'll discuss it.

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