Starsabre's thoughts on Philosophy

Questioning Everything: Philosophy

Why are we here? How do we think? What is a thought, do you exist? Are we all a thought in the mind of some greater complex being? How do we learn? Am I an illusion? Are you an illusion? Is there a part of us that is an eternal "soul" ? How did we get here? What really happens to us when we die? Where are we before we are born? How do we know what we know? What is the nature of the universe? Questions, Questions, Questions. Philosophy asks questions which cannot be easily answered. There are plenty of people who think they have the answers, but how do we really KNOW? I do not propose to answer any questions here, simply give anyone who is interested the tools to ask questions and find their own answers. For me, philosophy is self-defining. We study what others believe so that we can discover what we ourselves believe. While you have been alive on this earth, you have asked some or all of the questions philosophy attempts to answer, what do you think about them? Ask yourself these questions, see if you come up with anything. For some of you these answers might be answered by a spiritual faith, for others reason and thought. Where ever your quest leads you, it is YOURS, let no one take possession of it and tell you what to believe. Ask your own questions and find your own answers, it is the only way to be truly free.

Philosophy has several areas of study, they are:






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