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The SF page

The abstract of the thesis, as I've said, is accessible, should you want some details of the kind of dissertation I wrote on SF.

But the heave to complete the PhD apart, my SF-efforts have been confined to

  • a somewhat whimsical piece, The City and the Genre, an extended analogy, really, between the activities of exploring SF and Hyderabad -- the city I work and live in. "The City and the Genre" is a homage to 400 hundred years of Hyderabad, and will touch a chord if you know this city;
  • and a small Esperanto essay, "Pri heroeco" which appeared in the Belgian magazine, Monato. "Pri heroeco" gives a quick account of the valuable models of heroism that SF makes available; models that are especially valuable in an age where we are groping towards an ideal of the responsible exercise of power: towards what my friend Probal Dasgupta calls "active abdication".

If SF interests you as much as it once did me -- there's plenty of other reading happening now -- the place to go for internet resources on SF scifi.com is which not only charts the lives SF leads in various media, but also has a comprehensive literature link.

Among other good SF links is that of Don Harlow's, which besides ties up well with my Esperantical interests, since Harlow is a vibrant esperantist!

La Sciencfikcia pagho

Milionoj da pardonpetoj! Ankorau konstruata!

La (angla) resumo de la disertacio, kiel dirite, ja estas atingebla, se vi volas plidetale koni la enhavon de mia doktora laboro.

Sed post la fina sinpushego por fini la disertacion, mia sciencfikcia laboro estas limigita al

  • duon-sherce verkita angla prelego The City and the Genre [La urbo kaj la genro], iom longa analogo inter la esploradoj de sciencfikcio kaj Hajedrabado -- la urbo kie mi loghas! "The City and the Genre" estas omagho al la 400a datreveno de Hajderabado, kaj tushos memor-fadenojn se vi konas tiun chi urbon;
  • kaj eseeto, "Pri heroeco" kiu aperis en la belgan revuon Monato. "Pri heroeco" rapide skizas la valorajn perspektivojn pri heroeco kiujn la sciencfikcio al ni disponas; modelojn kiuj estas aparte uzeblaj en tempo en kiu homoj stumble iras al idealo de respondeca uzo de la povo; al iu kiu mia amiko Probal Dashgupto diras "aktiva abdiko".

Sayans fikshan pej

Sabar kiijiye aur mafi chahata hun! Pej abhi tayyar ho rahi hai!