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by Linda S. Schrigner, et al

by Linda S. Schrigner


--America's Secret Destiny, 1989, by Dr. Robert Hieronimus
Note:  From America's Secret Destiny (1989), by 
Dr. Robert Hieronimus.
According to Dr. Robert Hieronimus, in America's Secret Destiny, published 1989, Dr. H. Spencer Lewis produced the strongest evidence that Thomas Jefferson was a Rosicrucian.  It was this code that was found in Jefferson's papers, that Dr. Lewis identified as being an old Rosicrucian code.  Hieronimus wrote that Dr. Lewis introduced
. . . .
". . . . a piece of substantial evidence.  Lewis found among Jefferson's papers some 'strange looking characters' [quoting Lewis] that previous researchers had assumed were a code Jefferson had invented.  'I recognize it as one of the old Rosicrucian codes used for many years before Thomas Jefferson became a Rosicrucian, and still to be found in many of the ancient Rosicrucian secret manuscripts' (Heindon, 1961, 126).  I have [Dr. Hieronimus has] submitted this code to several cryptographers and none have yet been successful in identifying it.  Mr. Rex Daniels of Concord, Massachusetts, commented (March 14, 1974), 'I have taken several tries at the code with no success for the standard ones. . . . you have hit upon something nobody else seems to know about.'"
Only by some scant notes in his own calendar does anyone know that Jefferson was a civic oriented Masonic brother; certainly the secrecy of the Rosicrucians in the 18th Century still, would not be revealed directly by Jefferson, except for what was found amongst his personal papers.  The source of the code should be verifiable by going to the same original Rosicrucian documents referenced by Dr. Lewis.  In any case, as the primary author of the American Declaration of Independence and other of his writings, it is clear that Jefferson certainly understood the universal principles of human liberty that the Declaration defines. 

Concerning the controversy about Jefferson's spirituality or ethics, it is necessary to know at what point before the American Revolution, he became a Rosicrucian?  As a hint, one may look at the dates that he spent in Europe and work from that point forward before making judgments about the practice of his Rosicrucianism.

NEXT:  59

This Revised Presentation is for Educational Purposes Only,
with many research points added by Linda S. Santucci
(pka Linda S. Schrigner)
Copyright © 2002 by Linda S. Santucci

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