AngePie_Mouse's Bookmarks

I am very much into the Yahoo! communities and enjoy helping others enhance their community experience. Below is a list of the groups in which I hold administrative responsibility in link with a description of each.

Yahoo! Group: AngelPie's Christmas Club
From the house cleaning to gift crafting, cookies to wraping, decorating to keeping the kids busy...if it's about Christmas, we talk about it, compare notes, share ideas. []

Homepage of AngelPie's Christmas Club
Our website extracts some of the ideas we've shared on the message board, examines others in greater depth, offers craft ideas, recipes, and useful links. []

Yahoo! Group: Club Founders' Club
Created as a club in the Yahoo! system, this community is designed to assist other communities by providing a network of their administrators. It is specificly tailored to the converted club in so much as these types of communities represent a different approach to participation (something Yahoo! has never been able to understand or appreciate).[]

Homepage of Club Founders' Club
FAQs, our newsletter, and more representing three years of online community discussion. []

Yahoo! Group: Yahoo_Group_of_Groups
Created as a group in the Yahoo! system, this community is designed to provide networking for group administrators (owners and moderators), a place for them to discuss problems with members, with software and mail programs, and with Yahoo!. []

Homepage of Yahoo_Group_of_Groups
Examines the groups format, offers FAQs and hints, and other information pertainent to running a community in Yahoo!. []

Yahoo! Group: CFC_Experimental2
Originially created to help club administrators familiarize themselves with groups features prior to conversion, it remains today as an online test site where group owners and moderators may practice with features without fear of damaging their own group data or disturbing their members. Provides Instant Message walk-through assistance by appointment. []

Homepage of CFC_Experimental2
FAQs, group pix, message archives from the original version of the group. []

Yahoo! Group: Users_Union
Technical advice and assistance on computer and Yahoo! related systems for all non-moderator users.[]

Homepage of Users_Union
FAQs, group pix, message archives. []

Yahoo! Group: Terrorism_Sound_Off
Perhaps the world did not so much change on September 11, 2001 as our perception of it. Before we were somewhat complacent concerning the bombings of nightclubs in Paris, department stores in London, buses in Jerusalem, and the hijacking of planes. That was somewhere else. But after 9/11, it was on our own turf and potentially as close as our own neighborhoods. In this community, we engage ourselves in examining the unfolding story and examine the roots of terrorism. []

Homepage of Terrorism_Sound_Off
A 9/11 tribute, message board milestones, links. []

Yahoo! Group: Feelin' Groovy
Simon and Garfunkel had a sound together that no other duo has ever matched. While they have persued separate careers for nearly three decades, a whole new generation has grown up to join those who came to appreciate their sound when they were in first release. Where were you then, when you first heard "Scarborough Faire" or "Bookends" or "Bridge Over Troubled Water?" []

Homepage of Feelin' Groovy
A tribute to the music of Simon and Garfunkel. []

Yahoo! Group: IRCFlirt
A mating dance? or, just fun? IRCFlirt began as a message board list for an EFNet IRC channel of the same name. It soon grew into something of its own. BTW, we prefer the just fun approach. []

Homepage of IRCFlirt
Our personnel, our group art, and our newsletter. []

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