We have guests attend our meetings.  However, most of the guests don't join our club.  How can we improve our club so more guests join?

The first step is to make your guests feel welcome.  The Sergeant-at-arms is the master host.  S/he should greet the guest and introduce him/her to the officers before the meeting.  If the guest comes by their self, introduce them and have them sit next to an experienced member.  This way they can ask questions during the meeting.

We all attend too many poorly run meetings.  If your meeting isn't a meeting worth copying, why join?  The meeting needs to start on time and the members need to be prepared.  The speeches need to serve a purpose and not just people talking for a while; the best way to do this with manual speeches.  Many people remember being criticized at school.  Evaluations should be encouraging with positive feed back.  They, also, need suggestions tactfully presented.

Toastmasters International has two programs that can help you club decide what areas it needs to work on.

Toastmasters International has information improving your club.  These are part of the Successful Club Series.  So in addition to providing information to your club, the Toastmaster who presents can get credit toward their Competent Leader.  These manuals are Evaluate to Motivate, Creating the Best Club Climate, Meeting Roles and Responsibilities, Mentoring and Keeping the Commitment.

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